Request for review 7188233: Deprecate the UseVMInterruptibleIO for JDK8

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Oct 15 12:14:28 PDT 2012

On 15/10/2012 20:02, harold seigel wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Bug report 7188233 says the following:
>     Deprecate UseVMInterruptibleIO flag.
>     JDK7 changed the default value from true to false.
>     See 4385444 for long-term plan to gradually deprecate this flag.
>     *JDK8: leave code but add flag to deprecated list, default false.*
>     JDK9: remove code support
>  Hence, I did not totally remove the flag.  However, I can completely 
> deprecate the flag entirely if that is a better solution?
It's been several years but I'm sure that the original plan was to 
remove the support in jdk8. This may have been translated into jdk9 for 
hotspot because of HotSpot Express. Karen might remember. In any case, 
once we remove the usages of JVM_ functions from the library code then 
+UseVMInterruptibleIO will not be effective so it probably doesn't 
matter if the code is removed from hotspot then or some time later.

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