Platform dependent flag adjustments

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at
Wed Oct 17 10:47:06 PDT 2012

Hi Volker,

We usually do flags adjustment for platforms in vm_version_<arc>.cpp files. 
VM_Version_init() is called after Arguments::parse(args).


Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi,
> for our PowerPC/AIX port I'm currently looking for a place where I can
> do platform dependent adjustments to command line arguments which are
> available on special platforms only.
> For our private ports, we did all these adjustments conditionally in
> 'parse_each_vm_init_arg()' and I noticed that the original version of
> this method already contains platforms specific parts (e.g.
> SOLARIS_ONLY(..)). But these solution is not very attractive because
> it clutters shared code. It also seems unintuitive to handle platform
> dependent flags which are declared in special platform dependent files
> (e.g. src/cpu/<arch>/vm/globals_<arch>.hpp:) in a central shared
> method. Finally the current solution will scale poorly with new
> platform ports coming into the OpenJDK.
> I also noticed that the the 'Arguments' class declares a static method
> 'do_pd_flag_adjustments()'. Unfortunately this method is never defined
> nor called. I saw that this method was there from the initial checkin
> and I'm wondering if this was a first attempt to generalize  the  flag
> adjustment?
> Or perhaps there's an even better way to do platform dependent flag
> adjustments which I've just missed?
> Any insights and hints are highly welcome.
> Regards,
> Volker

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