Fwd: RFR (M) : JDK-7149464 : [TESTBUG] Test runtime/7020373/Test7020373.sh failed to clean up files after test

Calvin Cheung calvin.cheung at oracle.com
Wed Sep 11 11:38:33 PDT 2013

Hi Misha,

   48         String jarFile = System.getProperty("test.src") +
   49             "/JsrRewritingTestCase.jar";

Does the test always run in a cygwin shell on windows?
If not, I think line #49 should be:
                    File.separator + "JseRewritingTestCase.jar";


On 9/11/2013 9:46 AM, Mikhailo Seledtsov wrote:
> Hi,
>     JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7149464
>         This bug description is Oracle internal.
>         According to the bug, in certain cases JTReg failed to delete 
> the temporary files. In addition to that, the test consumed excessive 
> time and resources on the system.
>     Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/7149464/webrev.01/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emseledtsov/7149464/webrev.01/>
>     Testing:
>         JPRT using this specific test 
> (2013-09-10-135828.mseledtsov.bugFixing01)
>     Comments:
>        - rewrote this test in Java. This had couple of benefits. 
> Following general direction of rewriting JTReg tests in Java and 
> avoiding portability issues. Also, the shell script created temporary 
> files for output analysis, which in case of test taking too long or 
> failure, in certain cases,  could not be deleted since the handle was 
> still active. The new test uses OutputAnalyzer utility for this 
> purpose, thus not needing the temporary output files, and solving the 
> problem.
>        - after discussions with the Run-time team, the limit for 
> malloc'ed memory was added to the test by using 
> -XX:MallocMaxTestWords, thus fixing the issue of using excessive 
> resources
> Thank you,
> Misha

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