RFR (L) : 8014013 : CallInfo structure no longer accurately reports the result of a LinkResolver operation

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Thu Sep 12 15:58:38 PDT 2013

On Sep 12, 2013, at 2:49 PM, Karen Kinnear <KAREN.KINNEAR at oracle.com> wrote:

> 1) In linkResolver.cpp, in resolve_field, I would have expected the if !check_access to just skip
> the check_field_accessibility. I was surprised to see it also skipping other error checks. Is there
> a reason for that? (I get the loader constraint tests being skipped), but what about for example
> initializing the class?

Class initialization is the responsibility of the JSR 292 runtime.  The LinkResolver does it (more or less) as a courtesy to the interpreter, but class initialization is a phase distinct from linking per se.  See discussion in bug 8024599.

— John
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