Code review request for Linux version id fix (6986195)

Gerald Thornbrugh gerald.thornbrugh at
Mon Sep 16 10:31:00 PDT 2013

Hi Dan,
> On 9/16/13 11:10 AM, Gerald Thornbrugh wrote:
>> Hi Omair,
>>> Hi Gerald,
>>> On 09/16/2013 12:52 PM, Gerald Thornbrugh wrote:
>>>> Sorry about the delay of my response.
>>> No problem :)
>>>> I chose to place the /etc/SuSE-release file in front of the
>>>> /etc/os-release file because the
>>>> SuSE-release file was more clear and concise than the os-release file.
>>> I see. Yes, that does make a lot of sense.
>>>> I propose the following change:
>>>> 2181 // Searching system-release (Red Hat) and os-release (other
>>>> linuxes) are a
>>>> 2182 // next to last resort.  The os-release file is a new standard 
>>>> that
>>>> contains
>>>> 2183 // distribution information and the os-release file seems to 
>>>> be an
>>>> old standard
>>>> 2184 // that has been  replaced by the lsb-release and os-release 
>>>> files.
>>> There seems to be a thinko here: "The os-release file is a ... and the
>>> os-release file seems to be ... that has been replaced by .. 
>>> os-release"
>>> If you mean there are two different 'standards' for os-release, maybe
>>> it's better to say that.
>> Thanks for the catch, I did mean "system-release" instead of 
>> "os-release".
>> I will try this again:
>> 2181 // Searching system-release (Red Hat) and os-release 
>> (otherlinuxes) are a
> Typo: "otherlinuxes" -> "other Linuxes"
OK, one more time:

2181 // Searching system-release (Red Hat) and os-release (other 
Linuxes) are a
2182 // next to last resort.  The os-release file is a new standard that 
2183 // distribution information and the system-release file seems to be 
an old standard
2184 // that has been replaced by the lsb-release and os-release files.


> Dan
>> 2182 // next to last resort.  The os-release file is a new standard 
>> that contains
>> 2183 // distribution information and the system-release file seems to 
>> be an old standard
>> 2184 // that has been replaced by the lsb-release and os-release files.
>> Is this ok?
>> Thanks!
>> Jerry
>>> Thanks,
>>> Omair

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