RFR (S): 8016845: SA is unable to use hsdis on windows

Remi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Fri Sep 20 08:16:09 PDT 2013

On 09/20/2013 04:29 PM, Fredrik Arvidsson wrote:
> Please help me review this:
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8016845
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~allwin/farvidss/8016845/webrev.00/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eallwin/farvidss/8016845/webrev.00/>
> Small change was made in the sa.make file for windows to compile and 
> link sadis.c in to sawindbg.dll providing JNI entrypoints needed to 
> call the hsdis disassembler from SADB on windows. A small change in 
> agent/src/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/asm/Disassembler.java to have 
> the correct library name when loading library depending if running on 
> 32 or 64 bit platform.
> To test this you have to build the hsdis library yourself, since it 
> cant be bundled due to license issues. Instructions can be found here: 
> http://dropzone.nfshost.com/hsdis.htm (hint, I have pre-built 
> binaries). When running disassembling in HSDB (using the 'dis' command 
> in the console) the hsdis-amd64.dll/hsdis-i386.dll must be in the /bin 
> directory of the JRE/JDK used.
> Cheers
> /Fredrik

hsdis for other platforms is available here.
maybe you can upload your binaries there.


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