RFR (M): 8003420: NPG: make new GC root for pd_set
Coleen Phillmore
coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Thu Sep 26 10:22:12 PDT 2013
Some comments below.
On 9/26/2013 9:32 AM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> On 09/26/2013 04:58 AM, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
>> On Wed, 2013-09-25 at 12:11 -0700, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>> One minor point here:
>>> const int minimumStringTableSize = 1009;
>>> shouldn't this be "NOT_LP64(137) LP64_ONLY(1009)"? or maybe just
>>> "137"?
>> That's about the string table size, not the protection domain cache
>> table size. I only fixed the spacing there.
> Oops, sorry I was confused. Anyway, your diff page flagged a change in
> this line -- maybe there's some white-space only change there?
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8003420/webrev.0/diff/src/share/vm/utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp.sdiff.html
>>> More comments below (with an interesting twist at the very end ...)
>>> On 09/25/2013 06:39 AM, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I would like to have reviews for the following change that improves
>>>> iteration over the system dictionary to find references to the heap
>>>> when
>>>> not class unloading.
>>>> We noticed that going over the system dictionary to find references to
>>>> the heap is time consuming and doing needless work.
>>>> After the NPG changes the only references to the heap from the system
>>>> dictionary are from the protection domain oops. However these are
>>>> relatively rare (i.e. mostly NULL), typically magnitudes less in
>>>> amount
>>>> than the number of system dictionary entries.
>>>> The idea to improve this part of the gc root scanning is to collect
>>>> the
>>>> protection domain oops into a separate set
>>>> (ProtectionDomainCacheTable).
>>>> The system dictionary entries refer to these entries of the set
>>>> instead
>>>> of directly to the protection domain oops. During gc root scan when
>>>> there is no class unloading, instead of looking through all system
>>>> dictionary entries, the code then only iterates over the much smaller
>>>> set of protection domain oops.
>>>> When there is class unloading to find all protection domain oops
>>>> referenced by system dictionary entries the changed code still
>>>> iterates
>>>> over the system dictionary, setting a mark on the entries if a
>>>> reference
>>>> is found. After that, in a pass over the protection domain entry
>>>> set, a
>>>> closure is applied on all marked entries (and the mark removed).
>>>> Life-cycle analysis for the set entries is done using a reference
>>>> count
>>>> on them. I.e. if the reference count drops to zero, the set entry is
>>>> removed.
>>>> The original patch for this issue has been contributed by Ioi from the
>>>> runtime team, I just took over and tried to document and clean it up
>>>> slightly.
>>>> The original change from Ioi is available at:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8003420/webrev.0/orig/
>>>> One containing my cleanup and that is subject to this review is at
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8003420/webrev.0/cleanup/
>>>> For easier review I made a diff from the original to the cleanup
>>>> version
>>>> at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8003420/webrev.0/diff
>>>> Here is a summary of the changes in the cleanup:
>>>> - moved some hardcoded constants into global variables similar to the
>>>> system dictionary with different default values for 32/64bit
>>>> operation.
>>>> the actual values (32bit: 137, 64bit: 1009) were derived by Ioi in
>>>> tests
>>>> with PSR.
>>>> There is now a new global that allows tweaking this if necessary.
>>>> - the original code used a "generation counter" to mark protection
>>>> domain entries as referenced by classes from the NULL loader. I
>>>> changed
>>>> this to a flag that is reset while iterating over the marked
>>>> protection
>>>> domain set entries.
>>>> This seemed simpler and more understandable.
>>> ^^^ Yeah! This is a good fix. Now I wonder why I didn't think of
>>> that :-)
>>>> - some additional comments
>>>> - some verification/printing code
>>>> Bugs.openjdk.java.net
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8003420
>>>> Testing:
>>>> fmw/psr, jprt, manual dacapo runs
>>>> In the future system dictionary scan during class unloading could be
>>>> improved. It seems that actually classes loaded by the primordial/null
>>>> class loader never have a protection domain associated (i.e. they are
>>>> always in the NULL domain), so actually the entire code in
>>>> Dictionary::always_strong_oops_do() could be removed. Although testing
>>>> seemed to indicate that there is never a protection domain attached to
>>>> the NULL class loader, does someone know if that is actually the case?
>>> It turns out there ARE protection domains associated with boot
>>> classes.
>>> You can verify that by adding a printf in
>>> Dictionary::always_strong_oops_do,
>>> and run a simple tests that causes a lot of GC, like the
>>> G1Checker2.java
>>> I attached in this mail.
>> That's great to hear, and thanks for the example program. I already have
>> a change anyway that can handle that: it simply has two
>> ProtectionDomainCacheTables, one for PD cache entries referenced by the
>> boot/NULL class loader, one for the others.
>> PD cache entries are juggled around as needed, i.e. if there is at least
>> one reference by a class of the NULL class loader it will be moved into
>> the NULL class loader PD cache table.
>> Actually, if we do not care about wasting a little memory (duplicate
We do care about wasting memory... I assume this change is future
investigation and not part of Thomas's change. Please don't add other
protection domain table with this.
>> ProtectionDomainTableEntries) we could just have completely separate PD
>> table caches for the NULL class loader klasses and the others.
Yes, this is future work. We could also represent the system
dictionary per-classloader as well as the protection domain sets.
>> Then during gc, when class loading is enabled, you can find the ones
>> referenced to by the NULL class loader quickly too.
>> What do you think?
> This sounds good.
>>> The meaning of the PD table is confusing at best. Perhaps we should
>>> add some comments :-)
>> Definitely :)
>>> The PD table is a mapping of:
>> With PD table you mean the _pd_set member of DictionaryEntry basically;
>> I can put the documentation you provided here there.
> Yes, please do that, for the benefit of the next victim that needs
> to modify this code :-)
>>> (InstanceKlass C, initiating class loader ICL) => Protection Domain
>>> PD
>>> [Note that C.protection_domain(), which is stored in the
>>> java.lang.Class
>>> mirror of C, is NOT the same as PD]
>>> If such an entry (C, ICL) => PD exists in the table, it means that
>>> It's OK for a class Foo to reference C, where
>>> Foo.protection_domain() == PD, and
>>> Foo's defining class loader == ICL
>>> You can see it in action in gdb:
>>> $ hotspot -gdb -cp ~/tmp -XX:+PrintSystemDictionaryAtExit HelloWorld
>>> (gdb) b Dictionary::add_protection_domain
>>> (gdb) c
>>> Breakpoint 2, Dictionary::add_protection_domain (this=0xf702fbd0,
>>> index=273,
>>> hash=8004670, klass=..., loader_data=0xe3923ac0,
>>> protection_domain=...,
>>> __the_thread__=0xf7008400)
>>> 393 Symbol* klass_name = klass->name();
>>> (gdb) n
>>> (gdb) p klass_name->print_on(tty)
>>> Symbol: 'java/lang/Object
>>> (gdb) p loader_data
>>> $2 = (ClassLoaderData *) 0xe3923ac0
>>> -XX:+PrintSystemDictionaryAtExit shows there's an entry for an entry
>>> of java.lang.Object where the initiating class loader is the app class
>>> loader.
>>> ^java.lang.Object, loader class loader 0xe312bae8a 'sun/misc/Launcher
>>> $AppClassLoader'
>>> The usage of the PD table can be seen in
>>> SystemDictionary::validate_protection_domain()
>>> The PD table is essentially a cache to avoid repeated Java up-calls to
>>> ClassLoader.checkPackageAccess().
>>> Hmm, come to think of it, maybe it's OK to completely drop the PD
>>> table, since it is just a cache???
>> I assume that the cache has a purpose, i.e. don't drop to avoid
>> performance regressions :)
> The cache is used only when you load classes, perform constant pool
> resolution, etc. So once your app stops loading classes, this cache will
> be infrequently used. In fact, I think many entries will never be used
> again once the program has run to a steady state. Dropping the cache
> will actually free up a small amount of memory.
> How about dropping the cache when GC is about to move objects. How often
> doesthis happen?
> If GC is not moving objects, we don't need to go through the pd_set to
> do marking, because the ProtectionDomain objects would marked by other
> references to them (I think ...).
> After a GC, parts of the cache would be rebuilt, but you don't have to
> rebuild everything that was dropped -- you only need those entries
> required by recently loaded classes.
> Alternatively --
> I keep thinking maybe we don't need the complexity here. If all we
> need are
> {C, ICL, PD} tuples, maybe we can store a constant unique ID for each PD,
> and store that in the pd_set instead?I.e.,
> void DictionaryEntry::add_protection_domain(oop protection_domain) {
> ...
> if (!contains_protection_domain(protection_domain)) {
> ProtectionDomainEntry* new_head =
> //WAS new ProtectionDomainEntry(protection_domain, _pd_set);
> new
> ProtectionDomainEntry(protection_domain->uniq_id() _pd_set);
> }
> ...
> The unique ID can be generated by a monotonously increasing
> 64-bit counter, which will take thousands years to overflow
> even if you create a new protection domain every millisecond.
> The tricky part is we have to modify java.security.ProtectionDomain
> to add thisfield, or add a new INJECTED_FIELDS macro in java (yuck!).
Yeah, needs further investigation if it has a benefit. I think
Thomas's change will speed things up nicely now.
> - Ioi
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