Help with CC_INTERP/x86/WXP/VS2010: assert(false) failed: should never happen in frame::sender_sp()
Francis ANDRE
francis.andre.kampbell at
Mon Sep 30 12:54:11 PDT 2013
I fixed the cppInterpreter on WXP/x86/VS2010 but I got this fatal error just
running hotspot -version
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# Internal Error
(Z:\DEV\OpenJDK_7u40\hotspot\src\cpu\x86\vm\frame_x86.inline.hpp:157), pid=1216,
# assert(false) failed: should never happen
# JRE version: (7.0_40-b43) (build )
# Java VM: OpenJDK Client VM (24.0-b56-internal-debug mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client
versions of Windows
from this code
inline intptr_t* frame::sender_sp() const {
// Hmm this seems awfully expensive QQQ, is this really called with
interpreted frames?
if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
assert(false, "should never happen");
return get_interpreterState()->sender_sp();
} else {
return addr_at(sender_sp_offset);
but when the assert(false, "should never happen"); is commented out, the
hotspot runs til the end
231 Initializing 'java/util/Hashtable$Holder' (0x189fe6d0)
232 Initializing 'java/net/URL$1'(no method) (0x189febd0)
233 Initializing 'java/net/Parts'(no method) (0x189ff180)
234 Initializing 'java/net/URLStreamHandler'(no method) (0x18a010d0)
235 Initializing 'sun/net/www/protocol/file/Handler'(no method) (0x18a01238)
236 Initializing 'java/security/ProtectionDomain' (0x188ca7e8)
237 Initializing 'java/security/ProtectionDomain$1'(no method) (0x18a01fe8)
238 Initializing 'java/security/ProtectionDomain$3'(no method) (0x18a02690)
239 Initializing 'java/security/CodeSource'(no method) (0x18a03ee0)
240 Initializing 'java/security/ProtectionDomain$Key'(no method) (0x18a04620)
241 Initializing 'java/util/HashSet' (0x18a05b68)
242 Initializing 'sun/misc/URLClassPath' (0x18a07988)
243 Initializing 'sun/net/www/protocol/jar/Handler'(no method) (0x18a08b48)
244 Initializing 'sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader' (0x18a09730)
245 Initializing 'sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader$1'(no method) (0x18a09eb8)
246 Initializing 'java/lang/SystemClassLoaderAction'(no method) (0x18a0a450)
247 Initializing 'sun/misc/PostVMInitHook'(no method) (0x1890f3c0)
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 24.0-b56-internal-debug, mixed mode)
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Has someone any idea about this somewhat indoubt assert?
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