RFR(XS): JDK-8055765: Misplaced @key stress prevents MallocSiteHashOverflow.java and MallocStressTest.java tests from running
George Triantafillou
george.triantafillou at oracle.com
Thu Aug 21 16:05:04 UTC 2014
Please review this test fix for 8055765. The first token of both tests
was changed to "@test" to enable the tests to be explicitly run using
the jtreg "-ignore:run" flag. Since both tests can timeout during
normal testing, they still contain the "@ignore" tag, which prevents
them from running unless explicitly override using the jtreg
"-ignore:run" flag.
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gtriantafill/8055765/webrev/
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8055765
The fix was tested locally on Linux with the jtreg "-ignore:run" flag.
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