RFR (S/M) expose L1_data_cache_line_size for diagnostic/sanity checks (8049717)
Daniel D. Daugherty
daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Mon Jul 14 23:51:30 UTC 2014
Thanks for the suggested rewrite. I'll merge that with some of the
other edits I made (e.g., fixed the URL).
Another webrev will be out shortly...
On 7/14/14 5:44 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I think the performance comment has lost a bit of context. May I
> suggest just a slight change to the original that puts it into
> historical perspective:
> // Performance concern:
> // OrderAccess::storestore() calls release() which at one time stored 0
> // into the global volatile OrderAccess::Dummy variable. This store was
> // unnecessary for correctness. Many threads storing into a common
> location
> // causes considerable cache migration or "sloshing" on large SMP
> systems.
> // As such, I avoided using OrderAccess::storestore(). In some cases
> // OrderAccess::fence() -- which incurs local latency on the
> executing processor
> // -- is a better choice as it scales on SMP systems. See
> // http://blogs.sun.com/dave/entry/biased_locking_in_hotspot for a
> discussion
> // of coherency costs. Note that all our current reference platforms
> provide
> // strong ST-ST order, so the issue is moot on IA32, x64, and SPARC.
> Though I also note that there is no a single OrderAccess call in
> synchronizer.cpp :)
> Thanks,
> David
> On 15/07/2014 3:47 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I've tweaked the fix based on David H's feedback.
>> Here is the URL for the third round webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8049717-webrev/2-jdk9-hs-rt/
>> The following files changed between round 1 and round 2:
>> src/share/vm/runtime/objectMonitor.cpp
>> src/share/vm/runtime/synchronizer.cpp
>> Thanks, in advance, for any comments, questions or suggestions.
>> Dan
>> On 7/11/14 2:14 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I've tweaked the fix based on Vladimir's feedback.
>>> Here is the URL for the second round webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8049717-webrev/1-jdk9-hs-rt/
>>> The following files changed between round 0 and round 1:
>>> src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp
>>> src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.cpp
>>> src/cpu/x86/vm/vm_version_x86.hpp
>>> src/share/vm/runtime/objectMonitor.cpp
>>> src/share/vm/runtime/synchronizer.cpp
>>> Thanks, in advance, for any comments, questions or suggestions.
>>> Dan
>>> On 7/9/14 10:42 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> I have the fix for the following bug ready for JDK9 RT_Baseline:
>>>> JDK-8049717 expose L1_data_cache_line_size for diagnostic/sanity
>>>> checks
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8049717
>>>> Here is the URL for the webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8049717-webrev/0-jdk9-hs-rt/
>>>> This fix is a standalone piece from my Contended Locking reorder
>>>> and cache-line bucket. I've split it off as an independent bug fix
>>>> in order to make the reorder and cache-line bucket more clear.
>>>> Testing:
>>>> - JPRT test jobs
>>>> - manual testing of the new output via existing options:
>>>> -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:SyncKnobs=Verbose=1
>>>> -XX:+ExecuteInternalVMTests -XX:+VerboseInternalVMTests
>>>> - Aurora Adhoc nsk.sajdi and vm.parallel_class_loading as part of
>>>> testing for my Contended Locking reorder and cache-line bucket
>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any comments, questions or suggestions.
>>>> Dan
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