RFR (M) 8061651 - Interface to the Lookup Index Cache to improve URLClassPath search time (round 3)

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Tue Oct 28 05:24:01 UTC 2014

On 10/27/2014 10:03 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> I will remove the check from line 44 - 48.
> I want to keep the -Dfoo.foo.bar=xyz and the corresponding check to 
> make sure that the JTREG framework is working as intended. Otherwise 
> JTREG could have skipped the -Dsun.cds.enableSharedLookupCache=true 
> and the test will still report "PASS" even though the intended action 
> was not performed. 

Now I see what the test is trying to verify: 
sun.cds.enableSharedLookupCache should be removed from the system 
properties as it's only an interface with the library.

There is no harm in having the test as is while I would say 
-Dfoo.foo.bar=xyz is not really needed; otherwise other tests may fail 
if jtreg does something wrong.

Approved what you have in v3.


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