RFR(M) 8072383: resolve conflicts between open and closed ports

Dean Long dean.long at oracle.com
Thu Feb 19 00:26:06 UTC 2015

Just to avoid confusion, let me clarify that the jdk9 changes below 
can't be pushed until after the open aarch64 port is merged into the 
main jdk9, as they are based on the staging repo.


On 2/18/2015 4:02 PM, Dean Long wrote:
> These changes resolve some issues with references to closed ports in 
> open hotspot code,
> primarily by removing those references completely.  I have included 
> the 8u60 backport
> as well because it won't apply cleanly, and I may push it first 
> because the 9 changes are
> blocked by JEP 237: Linux/AArch64 Port.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dlong/8072383/webrev.8u60.00/
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dlong/8072383/webrev.9.00/
> dl

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