Runtime command-line deprecation (Was Re: RFR: 8066821(S) Enhance command line processing to manage deprecating and obsoleting -XX command line arguments

Derek White derek.white at
Thu Jul 16 23:07:24 UTC 2015

Hi Karen, Coleen,

I'll respond to one issue which you both brought up here, and respond to 
the rest inline.

I think you both were skeptical of the need to "deprecate & handle" an 
argument (where the argument isn't an alias for another argument), 
although Karen suggested that might be good for external option removal, 
which has a really long lead time.

 From the options I've looked at, the decision to ignore vs. handle a 
deprecated option depends on what the option does and what users expect. 
For simple tuning or diagnostic options, there is little harm if we 
don't handle "-XX:+ UseOldInlining". The user would be hard-pressed to 
tell the difference. But if we wanted to deprecate "-XX:+UseG1GC" (for 
an unlikely example), this would make a big difference if we simply 
ignored the option. In this case we should still handle the option after 
emitting a deprecation warning (for at least one release).

Should we ever go from "deprecate & handle" in one release to full 
removal in the next? Or should we always have a release that "deprecates 
& ignores" an option before removing it? Ignoring an old option is often 
a convenience for customers, but on the other hand it's kind of lying to 
the customers. Maybe they're asking for "XX:-MSG" and we say "sure boss" 
and pour on the monosodium glutamate :-)

On the other hand, really handling a deprecated option has a cost too, 
so code complexity (and reliability), or time and space overheads might 
call for simply ignoring a deprecated option instead of always handling 
it in one release and ignoring it in the next.

Coming up with some guidelines for this is a good idea, but I don't 
think hard rules will work.

Specific responses below.

FYI  - New webrev is going through last round of merge testing.

  - Derek

On 7/6/15 5:00 PM, Coleen Phillimore wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm happy for more clarity in the process of removing command line 
> arguments.  I have some questions and comments below.
> On 6/26/15 4:09 PM, Karen Kinnear wrote:
>> Derek,
>> I am really glad you are looking into this. I expanded this to the runtime folks in case many of them have not yet seen this.
>> Mary just forwarded this and I believe you haven't checked it in yet, so perhaps still time to discuss and make sure
>> we all are together on the deprecation policy.
>> The runtime team was discussing at staff this week how we handle deprecating jvm command-line options as
>> we are looking to do more clean up in the future.
>> So our internal change control process classifies our exported interfaces into three categories:
>> External: command-line flags e.g. -verbose:gc, -Xmx, ...
>>      This includes any commercial flags
>> Private: -XX flags documented (e.g. performance tuning or troubleshooting)
>>      I would assume this would include -XX product, experimental flags and manageable flags
>> Internal: undocumented -XX flags
>>      I would assume this would include -XX develop and diagnostic flags
>> (please correct me if my assumptions are wrong folks)
> This is a good categorization.  Although I think there's some grey 
> area between External and Private, where some XX options are so 
> commonly used they should be considered External.   Some of the GC 
> options may fall into this category like UseParNewGC.
Yes, I agree that there is unexpected flag promotion. It would be great 
to get a common understanding of where the lines are between External, 
Private, and Internal. The flag types like commercial, product, 
experimental, develop, diagnostic are important, although I'd argue that 
experimental flags are more likely "internal" not private. I think we 
also need a liberal definition of "Documented" to include not just 
official documentation but blog postings and even serious mentions in 
places like StackOverflow. If the only reference that Google can find to 
an -XX flag is in the openJDK source code, then chances are it is 
>> The way I understand that we handle private -XX options today is a 2-step removal: (obsolete_jvm_flags - where the
>> release number is in a table and could be undefined)
>> Using your helpful taxonomy from
>> Today: private -XX options use 2-step removal (obsolete_jvm_flags)
>>      release 1: Deprecate & Obsolete - warn about the option but do nothing with it (we can remove all code that supports it)
>>      release 2: Dead - unrecognized
>>    - the point of the 2-step is to give customers time to modify any scripts they use
>> I believe we have very rarely removed External flags - since customers, licensees, etc. may expect them.
>> Mini-proposal:
>> 1) I would recommend that we add a future set of changes to add consistent handling for the External flags -
>> so that they would follow a three-step removal:
>>      release 1: Deprecate & Handle - warn and keep supporting
>>      release 2: Deprecate & Obsolete - warn and do nothing
>>      release 3: Dead - unrecognized
>> 2) For the Internal flags - I think it would be kindest to customers and not a huge amount of additional work if
>> we were to follow the Private model of using a 2 step.
>> 3) leave the Private flags with the current 2-step removal
> Yes, this reflects our current model.
>> 4) add support for aliasing - for any of them
>>      So that if you are doing aliasing, you would follow the model you are adding
>>       release 1: Deprecated & Handled - i.e. warn and still support (and set the information for the new alias)
>>       release 2: Dead - unrecognized
>> 5) Could we possibly take the two flags that followed a different model already, i.e. moving to
>> Deprecated & Handled and handle those as mistakes rather than part of a new general model?
> So this is my question which is around the code review in question.   
> Note, Derek, can you resend the RFR to hotspot-dev at so 
> it gets to all of us (even the compiler team may want to share in the 
> mechanism).
> Why are UseParNewGC and MaxGCMinorPauseMillis deprecated and handled 
> and not deprecated and obsolete?  I don't actually see why have the 
> distinction here?
> Did these flags follow the deprecation procedure below?  Why not just 
> make them obsolete, why have this other mechanism?  I may be asking 
> the same question as Karen.
> I think the aliased flags could have a deprecate and handle model 
> (where handle == alias) in which case you only need one table for the 
> aliased flags, and you need to keep them in globals.hpp so they're 
> parsed properly.

The real reason I wrote the code that way is because I was supporting 
the current policy (classic "mechanism not policy" checkin). I didn't 
(and don't) have the history on how we got there. But after thinking 
about it (see top post), I think there will be some cases where we'll 
have handle options instead of ignoring them and vice verse. And the 
final decision may come down to engineering, or customer, or partner 
concerns, or management whimsy, or whatever the current fad is. We're 
talking about code changes over multiple years here :-)
>> Or do you think we will see more cases other than aliasing in which we would want to
>>      release 1: Deprecate & Handle and then release 2: Dead
>>      rather than release 1: Deprecate & Obsolete and then 2: Dead
>>      or rather than a 3 step like the External option proposal above?
> I think for the aliased flags you want the first option here 
> (deprecate&handle), right?  But that's only because you need to keep 
> the option in globals.hpp so it parses correctly, otherwise the second 
> option (deprecate&obsolete) would be the preference?
> The options in the GC that are being deprecated and handled have had 
> warnings about them for a while, so making them obsolete doesn't feel 
> too soon.

Yes, but just went through the approval process.
> Also, I agree with Kim's comment below that your comment lines are too 
> long.  My fonts are too big to have windows this wide.
> thanks,
> Coleen
>> thanks,
>> Karen
>> p.s. Note that all of the deprecation needs to
>> 1) work with licensee engineering to ensure we give licensee's a head's up and get feedback
>> 2) file a change control request
>> - we try to do these both as bulk requests to reduce the processing overhead.
>> p.p.s. Details
>> 1.  Do the warnings print today or are they silent? Just want to make sure we are conscious of how
>> those are handled if any of this moves to the new unified logging mechanism for which the new default
>> for "warning" level is to print.
The deprecation messages go through warning(), which is controlled by 
PrintWarnings (defaults to true). This is how the obsolete flag warnings 
are printed. The new deprecation mechanism replaces a mishmash of calls 
to jio_fprintf() and warning(), with a variety of different ways of 
saying the same thing.
>> 2. "will likely be removed in a future release"? If we have already set the release it will be removed - is this a bit
>> vague or did I not read closely enough?
That text came from some of the deprecated GC options. If removal has 
been scheduled, we could say something more definite, or even the exact 
release. We don't print the exact "death" release for obsolete options 
currently though.
>> On Feb 3, 2015, at 6:30 PM, Derek White wrote:
>>> Request for review (again):
>>> - Updated with Kim's suggestion.
>>> - Stopped double-printing warnings in some cases.
>>> - Initial caps on warning() messages.
>>> Webrev:
>>> CR:
>>> Tests:     jtreg, jprt
>>> Thanks for looking!
>>> - Derek
>>> On 1/28/15 3:47 PM, Kim Barrett wrote:

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