RFR: 8072147: Preloading libjsig.dylib causes deadlock when signal() is called

david buck david.buck at oracle.com
Mon Jun 29 16:41:27 UTC 2015

Hi Dmitry!

I have fixed the issue and retested both manually and with the "hotspot" 
test suit. Thank you again for the catch.


Hi Karen!

The "reenter" boolean is thread local, so it should already work exactly 
as you describe below.

 > p.s. let me see if I can find any existing signal handler chaining 
tests - I suspect you will need to write some
 > additional ones

I took a look, but was not able to find any tests that run actually run 
on all *nix platforms and install signal handlers. Ultimately we should 
have some sort of comprehensive functional testing for this. If there 
already is such testing, I would like to add this particular case. But I 
suspect that there is nothing comprehensive at the moment. If so, I 
believe adding new functional testing for all of libjsig is probably 
outside the scope of this point fix.


On 2015/06/30 1:27, Karen Kinnear wrote:
> David,
> Thank you for tackling this bug.
> I don't understand how the proposed solution handles multiple threads
>    - e.g. 2 jni threads installing their signal handlers and a jvm installing its signal handlers
> The jsig code is written to handle multi-threaded timing:
>     user installs first, jvm installs after
>        user install in progress, jvm tries to install
>     jvm installs first, user installs after
>        jvm install in progress, user tries to install
> I think having a global reentry, that only gets set to true on the first call_os_signal, means
> that the chaining won't be installed properly.
> I wonder if what you are looking for is a way to track that a given thread is currently
> inside this logic
>     - not a global state
>     - not whether a given thread has ever called this (a thread may call this code multiple times, one for each signal)
>     - but whether we have a recursive call.
> So - perhaps there is a way to track a list of threads that are in the os_signal call and the thread
> that owns the signal_lock?  So if you are in the sigaction call you can check if your thread already
> owns the signal_lock and if it is in the os_signal call - and skip both the lock and unlock (basically making
> a reentrant lock). And then when you are done the os_signal call, remove your thread from the list
> of threads in the os_signal call before returning from call_os_signal.
> That way the lock will still work between threads and between a requests by the same thread.
> Does that sounds worth exploring?
> thanks,
> Karen
> p.s. let me see if I can find any existing signal handler chaining tests - I suspect you will need to write some
> additional ones
> On Jun 29, 2015, at 10:35 AM, david buck wrote:
>> Hi Dmitry!
>> Ouch. Yes, that is *very* wrong. I will fix and retest.
>> Sorry for the trivial error and thank you for the catch!
>> Cheers,
>> -Buck
>> On 2015/06/29 23:31, Dmitry Dmitriev wrote:
>>> Hello David,
>>> In call_os_signal function you add "reentry = false;"(line 93) after
>>> return statement and it seems as unreachable code.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dmitry
>>> On 29.06.2015 17:18, david buck wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Please review my fix below:
>>>> bug report: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/jdk-8072147
>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dbuck/8072147/webrev.00/
>>>> The fix is intentionally limited only to the platform (OSX/BSD) and
>>>> scenario (signal() implemented by means of a direct call to
>>>> sigaction()) where we can reasonably expect to see (and therefor test)
>>>> this issue.
>>>> Fix has been manually tested for effectiveness by myself. "hotspot"
>>>> test suite run and passed on all platforms.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> -Buck

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