RFR: JDK-8143255: Remove debug logging from SymbolTable::unlink() and SymbolTable::possibly_parallel_unlink()

kirk.pepperdine at gmail.com kirk.pepperdine at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 08:56:57 UTC 2015


>> That's my point. Not that the cycle repeats, but that it is very easy to
>> implement this code again if it would ever be needed. The benefit of
>> having it checked in is very little compared to the negative effect on
>> the reading speed for all developers that have to read this code.
> Something to consider on a case by case basis I hope. Else, as I said, a lot of non-product logging should go.

My assumption is that the non-product debug logging would be highly transient in that it would be there as long as there is a problem but would be removed once the problem was resolved. If logging is in “non-product” for a long time there might be a strong case that there is some residual value that is useful in a production environment. I can think of a few non-product flags that I wish were in the product.

Kind regards,
Kirk Pepperdine

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