RFR(s): 8143291: Remove redundant coding around os::exception_name

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 10:23:22 UTC 2015


please take a look at this change.

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143291
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stuefe/webrevs/8143291/webrev.00/webrev/

This fix does some cleanups around os::exception_name().

- os::exception_name() is identical on all Posix platforms (it returns a
signal name string for a signal number), so it can be merged into

- There is no need for a platform-specific implementation, as we have
already os::Posix::get_signal_name(). Use that instead of platform-specific

- I added a function os::Posix::get_signal_number() which is the inverse of

- Before, a signal-to-number table was kept in jvm_<os>.cpp. That was used
to implement os::exception_name() and also for JVM_FindSignal
-> on AIX, I removed the coding altogether and used
os::Posix::get_signal_number() as a base for JVM_FindSignal.
-> on the other Unices, I did not feel so confident, because strictly
spoken we may change the behaviour slightly to before:
os::Posix::get_signal_name() knows more signal names than the platform
specific tables knew before, so now Signal.findSignal("<name>") would
return more matches than before.
I am not sure whether I am overcautious here - should I treat the other
Unices the same way I treated AIX, i.e. implement
Signal.findSignal("<name>") -> JVM_FindSignal via
os::Posix::get_signal_number()? This would further simplify the coding.

Oh, this fix also fixes an issue where os::exception_name() would return
NULL for an unknown signal number, but no caller ever checks for NULL
before printing the result. The new os::exception_name() always returns a
string and also distinguishes between "unknown but valid signal" and
"invalid signal".

Kind Regards, Thomas

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