RFR: 8143155: Remove TraceRuntimeCalls, TraceJNICalls, and TraceJVMCalls rather than convert to UL

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Thu Nov 19 22:23:22 UTC 2015

Hi Rachel,

Overall seems okay. One minor issue below.


On 20/11/2015 5:39 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review this change, which removes TraceRuntimeCalls,
> TraceJNICalls, and TraceJVMCalls options. The output from the options is
> excessive and useless, while there are entirely useful options
> available, i.e. CountRuntimeCalls, CountJNICalls, and CountJVMCalls.
> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8143155/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143155



    #define JVMWrapper(arg1)                    JVMCountWrapper(arg1);
!   #define JVMWrapper2(arg1, arg2)             JVMCountWrapper(arg1);
!   #define JVMWrapper3(arg1, arg2, arg3)       JVMCountWrapper(arg1);
!   #define JVMWrapper4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) JVMCountWrapper(arg1);

should reduce to just the single form now that only 1 arg is needed. And 
the 3/4 variants are unused anyway. That said something seems a bit 
broken here as we have things like:

JVMWrapper2("JVM_NativePath (%s)", path);

which will expand to

JVMCountWrapper("JVM_NativePath (%s)")

which doesn't really make sense to me. I guess it is harmless, but 
certainly looks odd. There are only 10 uses to fix up though :)

> Thank you!
> Rachel

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