RFR(s): 8144219: [posix] Remove redundant code around os::print_siginfo()

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 10:03:15 UTC 2015

Hi all,

please review this small change:

Bug Report: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8144219

This is mainly a cleanup change for posix platforms. It gets rid of
multiple copies of os::print_siginfo() in favour of the central
os::Posix::print_siginfo() in os_posix.cpp.

It also extends os::Posix::print_siginfo() to write more details about the
received signal which stems from our experiences with various Unices over
the time. This will improve hs-err file printout.

Note that there was on all platforms code which examines the crash address
for a possible CDS fault and prints a specialized hint. In my opinion that
makes no sense in a general os::print_siginfo() function and I moved it to
a separate error reporting step into vmError.cpp. This may be a point of
contention because the way to extract the fault address from a
siginfo/EXCEPTION_RECORD structure is platform dependend, but imho this is
still the least ugly solution.

Kind regards, Thomas

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