RFR: 8139564: Convert TraceDefaultMethods to Unified Logging

Marcus Larsson marcus.larsson at oracle.com
Mon Oct 19 14:35:06 UTC 2015


On 2015-10-16 18:21, Coleen Phillimore wrote:
> Hi,
> I added the serviceability group so they can comment on this as 
> well.   I think having logging in the PRODUCT build is requested so 
> that we can more easily debug customer problems.   That said, we will 
> not enable logging in product if we see any performance problem.  Also 
> for some options it's possible that these are strictly internal 
> debugging options and in that case we'll either remove them if they're 
> no longer useful, or make them Develop level options.

This seems like a good approach to me. The develop level was added to 
accommodate internal or performance sensitive logging that shouldn't be 
included in the product.
> Printing default methods seems to be something that might be 
> borderline in the second case, but we've decided to make it product 
> level logging.   We could change our minds about this though, so your 
> comments are welcome.

If it's borderline to internal wouldn't it be more fitting to use trace 
level for this logging?


> Thanks,
> Coleen
> On 10/15/15 6:33 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>> On 10/15/15 10:51 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
>>> Hi, Ioi,
>>> Thanks for the comments. While all valid points, the decision by the 
>>> serviceability team with regards to the logging framework as a whole 
>>> is to move all the output to product mode. Because of this, I ran 
>>> performance tests to make sure that the newly-introduced product 
>>> code will not slow it down. So yes, all the "#ifndef PRODUCT" 
>>> sections that are necessary for this logging have been liberated to 
>>> product mode.
>> Thanks Rachel. This makes sense.
>> - Ioi
>>> Also, I realized I did not remove the TraceDefaultMethods flag from 
>>> globals.hpp, so here is the link to the updated webrev: 
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8139564.01/
>>> Which builds appropriately. The change now encompasses all the 
>>> references to TraceDefaultMethods. A compatibility request has been 
>>> accepted with regards to this change.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rachel
>>> On 10/14/2015 11:58 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>>> Hi Rachel,
>>>> Before your changes, this block of code  would be excluded from 
>>>> product builds:
>>>>  684 #ifndef PRODUCT
>>>>  685   if (TraceDefaultMethods) {
>>>>  686     tty->print_cr("Slots that need filling:");
>>>>  687     streamIndentor si(tty);
>>>>  688     for (int i = 0; i < slots->length(); ++i) {
>>>>  689       tty->indent();
>>>>  690       slots->at(i)->print_on(tty);
>>>>  691       tty->cr();
>>>>  692     }
>>>>  693   }
>>>>  694 #endif // ndef PRODUCT
>>>> but after your change, it will be included in product builds. This 
>>>> means product builds will have more verbose output than before. It 
>>>> also means that the product builds will get bigger (because some 
>>>> printing code, such as EmptyVtableSlot::print_on(), would need to 
>>>> be enabled for product builds as well).
>>>> I am not very familiar with UL so maybe this is an FAQ ... while 
>>>> doing the UL conversion, should we add all the old "ifndef PRODUCT" 
>>>> logs into the product build?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> - Ioi
>>>> On 10/14/15 7:10 PM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
>>>>> Hello! Please take a look at my enhancement, the first of the 
>>>>> runtime logging flags to be converted.
>>>>> Summary: The former -XX:+TraceDefaultMethods flag is updated to 
>>>>> the unified logging framework and is now replaced with 
>>>>> -Xlog:defaultmethods.
>>>>> open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8139564/
>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8139564
>>>>> testing: Passes JPRT, RBT, and RefWorkload performance testing.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Rachel

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