RFR(S): JDK-8146697 : VM crashes in test Test7005594

Frederic Parain frederic.parain at oracle.com
Mon Aug 8 14:55:32 UTC 2016


Please review this small fix for JDK-8146697

Summary: The JVM sometimes tries to re-enable the Reserved Stack Area
while it is currently not disabled, leading to the following assertion

share/vm/runtime/thread.cpp:2551 assert(_stack_guard_state !=
stack_guard_enabled) failed: already enabled

This problem occurred while running different tests including tests
where stack overflows are unlikely. It is rare and very hard to
reproduce. At the beginning of the investigation, I've been able to
reproduce it three times out of 1,000+ runs of metaspace stress test
(the fact that was is a metaspace test doesn't matter). But once I've
instrumented the JVM, the bug didn't show up again, even after 30,000+ runs.

So, I've investigated it with the limited material I had. The failures
always occurred on x86/32bits platforms.
Regarding that some failures occurred on tests where stack overflows are
unlikely (no recursive calls, small call stack), and that all failures
occurred in interpreted Java code, my guess is that the issue is in the
test performed on interpreted method exit to determine if the Reserved
Stack Area should be enabled or not.

The test on method exit compares the SP of the caller frame to an
activation SP address stored in the JavaThread object when the Reserved
Stack Area has been disabled. Without a reproducible test case, I've not
been able to find what was the issue between the two values (de-opt,
OSR, other?). So, I've slightly changed the test to make it more robust
against the situation causing the assertion failure. Now the test checks
the status of the guard pages, and if no guard pages have been disabled,
the method exits normally. This means there's always only one test on
interpreted method exit if Reserved Stack Area has not been used, so no
difference on performances for most cases. If this first test detects
that guard pages have been disabled, then the previous test (caller SP
vs activation SP) is performed, to determine if this is the place where
the Reserved Stack Area should be re-enabled or not.

Even if the root cause of the bug is still unknown, the fix should make
the code more robust and prevent unnecessary re-enabling of the Reserved
Stack Area.


Thank you,


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