RFR(S): 8155964 - Create a set of tests for verifying the Minimal VM

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Aug 22 22:09:07 UTC 2016

Hi Christian,

Quick feedback ...

On 23/08/2016 5:03 AM, Christian Tornqvist wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Please review this change that adds a set of tests for the Minimal variant
> of the JVM. The Minimal JVM is a subset that excludes some functionality,
> the tests here are intended to test verify that trying to use this excluded
> functionality doesn't lead to any unexpected errors/crashes.

Note (for everyone) it was only a requirement that the primary options 
for managing unsupported features give a meaningful error message. For 
example UseG1GC should report it is not available, but selecting an 
option that only works for G1 will report whatever is reported when that 
option is called without G1 being selected (ie it wont report "this 
option only works with G1 and G1 is not available in the minimal VM"). 
And some failure modes may vary depending on which modules are available.

> Verified by running the tests on Linux ARMv7 and Linux x86.
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ctornqvi/webrev/8155964/webrev.00/

Initial comment only. I'm not sure that @requires vm.flavor == "minimal" 
is the right way to do this. When you are going to launch a secondary VM 
with -minimal it suffices that the JRE/JDK under test has the minimal VM 
available, it isn't required that the main test VM run in the minimal 
VM. Granted jtreg can't tell you that (I don't think). There are 
features of the test library that use API's and VM capabilities that may 
not exist in the minimal VM (ie RuntimeMXBeans).

More later ...


> Bug (unfortunately not visible):
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8155964
> Thanks,
> Christian

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