RFR(S): 8162412: Ignore any System property specified as -Djdk.module...

harold seigel harold.seigel at oracle.com
Wed Aug 31 15:30:47 UTC 2016

Thanks George.


On 8/31/2016 9:59 AM, George Triantafillou wrote:
> Hi Harold,
> Looks good!
> -George
> On 8/31/2016 9:06 AM, harold seigel wrote:
>> The new webrev is: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hseigel/bug_8162412.2/
>> Harold
>> On 8/31/2016 9:02 AM, harold seigel wrote:
>>> Hi Dmitry,
>>> I added an additional test case to the end of test 
>>> ModuleOptionsWarn.java that tests for a warning if a module related 
>>> property is specified using _JAVA_OPTIONS.  Could you review it?
>>> Thanks, Harold
>>> On 8/31/2016 8:25 AM, Dmitry Dmitriev wrote:
>>>> Hello Harold,
>>>> I think that it will be great to have at least one test case which 
>>>> verifies that VM prints warning when property is specified in the 
>>>> source which is different from the command line, e.g. when property 
>>>> specified in _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable.
>>>> runtime/logging/ExceptionsTest.java have test cases for environment 
>>>> variables, I think you can done similar thing. Thank you!
>>>> Dmitry
>>>> On 30.08.2016 20:47, harold seigel wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Please review this fix for JDK-8162412.  This fix allows user 
>>>>> properties that start with "-Djdk.module." unless they match any 
>>>>> of the seven reserved system properties as follows:
>>>>>    The JVM will ignore -D<property>, -D<property>.[*], and
>>>>>    -D<property>=[*] where <property> is any one of these seven:
>>>>>         jdk.module.addmods
>>>>>         jdk.module.limitmods
>>>>>         jdk.module.addexports
>>>>>         jdk.module.addreads
>>>>>         jdk.module.patch
>>>>>         jdk.module.path
>>>>>         jdk.module.upgrade.path
>>>>> JBS Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8162412
>>>>> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hseigel/bug_8162412/
>>>>> The fix was tested with the JCK Lang and VM tests, the hotpot, and 
>>>>> java/lang, java/util and other JTreg tests, and the NSK 
>>>>> non-colocated quick tests.
>>>>> Thanks, Harold

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