RFR: 8148630: Convert TraceStartupTime to Unified Logging

Rachel Protacio rachel.protacio at oracle.com
Wed Feb 17 16:22:13 UTC 2016

Just affirming that I've seen this, and it seems that the discussion is 
being incorporated into the new RFE rather than alterations to this 
8148630 change, so it can continue on that new thread.

On 2/16/2016 11:40 PM, Kim Barrett wrote:
>> On Feb 16, 2016, at 8:44 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>    TraceTime timer("Initialize java.lang classes",
>>>                    log_is_enabled(Info, startuptime),
>>> 		  LogWriter(Info, startuptime));
>> I've added the above to JDK-8150015. However I would much prefer that we can write simply:
>> TraceTime timer (<msg>, <log-tag>, <log-level>);
>> and internalize the log_is_enabled and LogWriter functionality.
> I think that’s hard, but relatively easy would be something like
> TraceTime timer(<msg>, LogTime(<level>, <tag>…);

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