RFR(XS): 8146187: Print develop and nonproduct flags by -XX:+PrintFlags* options in debug build

Dmitry Dmitriev dmitry.dmitriev at oracle.com
Thu Feb 18 08:36:44 UTC 2016

Hello David,

Thank you for the review! I don't think that other tests are affected, 
because develop and nonproduct flags was removed from output last summer 
and not cause any problems. Now output of these flags come's back.


On 18.02.2016 5:25, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> The changes seem fine. Are any other tests affected by including the 
> develop and nonproduct flags in the output now?
> Thanks,
> David
> On 18/02/2016 1:51 AM, Dmitry Dmitriev wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Need a Reviewer please.
>> Thanks,
>> Dmitry
>> On 19.01.2016 14:32, Dmitry Dmitriev wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please review small fix for printing flags functionality. This fix
>>> return ability to print develop and not product flags in debug VM by
>>> -XX:+PrintFlags* options.
>>> Few comments:
>>> 1) "if (printRanges) {" on line 407 in globals.cpp was deleted,
>>> because it located in else branch of "if (!printRanges) {" and
>>> therefore always true.
>>> 2) TestOptionsWithRanges.java was corrected to not pick develop and
>>> not product flags.
>>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8146187
>>> webrev.00: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ddmitriev/8146187/webrev.00/
>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eddmitriev/8146187/webrev.00/>
>>> Testing: JPRT, hotspot_all, vm.quick
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dmitry

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