JNI VERSION CHANGE: RFR: 8145098: JNI GetVersion should return JNI_VERSION_9

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Feb 19 08:00:25 UTC 2016

On 19/02/2016 03:10, Iris Clark wrote:
> Hi, Alan and Rachel.
> Here's a proposal for the new text for JEP 223:
> ---
> [ insert between existing sections "@since..." and "Mercurial..."]
> JNI Version
> The [JNI Specification][JNISpec] defines a constant representing the JNI version number.  The constant will drop the initial "1" and truncate trailing zeros.  Thus, for JDK 9, the constant will be 'JNI_VERSION_9'.
> [JNISpec]:
> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/functions.html#version_information
> ---
> What bugid should be used for this CCC request?  What is the procedure for updating the JNI Spec itself?
This wording looks okay to me and I assume it could go on to say that 
the constant will also be proposed for Java SE 9. JDK-8145098 is the 
issue that is being used to update the JNI version.

While we're at it, could I interest you in a 2-for-1 deal where JEP 223 
also captures the update to the JVM TI version? We've added 
JVMTI_VERSION_9 in the jake forest and it would be nice to get agreement 
on aligning the JVM TI version number (and also get it into JDK 9 in 
advance of the module system).


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