RFR(M): 8145521: Use trampolines for i2i and i2c entries in Methods that are stored in CDS archive

Dean Long dean.long at oracle.com
Mon Feb 22 20:50:06 UTC 2016

Hi Ioi, comments inlined below.

On 2/20/2016 5:22 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> Hi Dean,
> Thanks for raising this issue.
> My first impression is this probably shouldn't matter (or somehow we 
> can get away with this).
> Today, the CDS archive already contains executable code in the "misc 
> code" section. On Linux/x64, this is typically in the address range 
> 0x802400000-0x802409000. The code is used to dynamically patch the C++ 
> vtables of Metadata types that are stored in the CDS archive. So even 
> today, there's a chance that the suspended PC lands in this section.

OK, so you're saying that the trampolines don't make things any worse :-)

> The code is generated inside MetaspaceShared::generate_vtable_methods 
> and looks like this  when you run with -Xshare:on:
> (gdb) x/5i 0x802400000
>    0x802400000:    mov    $0x0,%eax
>    0x802400005:    jmpq   0x8024084d0
>    0x80240000a:    mov    $0x1,%eax
>    0x80240000f:    jmpq   0x8024084d0
>    0x802400014:    mov    $0x2,%eax
>    ....
> (gdb) x/16i 0x8024084d0
>    0x8024084d0:    push   %rsi
>    0x8024084d1:    push   %rdi
>    0x8024084d2:    mov    %rax,%rdi
>    0x8024084d5:    shr    $0x8,%rdi
>    0x8024084d9:    shl    $0x3,%rdi
>    0x8024084dd:    movabs $0x802000000,%rsi
>    0x8024084e7:    add    %rdi,%rsi
>    0x8024084ea:    mov    (%rsi),%rsi
>    0x8024084ed:    pop    %rdi
>    0x8024084ee:    mov    %rsi,(%rdi)
>    0x8024084f1:    and    $0xff,%rax
>    0x8024084f8:    shl    $0x3,%rax
>    0x8024084fc:    add    %rsi,%rax
>    0x8024084ff:    pop    %rsi
>    0x802408500:    mov    (%rax),%rax
>    0x802408503:    jmpq   *%rax
> In JDK9, the profiler takes a sample by first calling into 
> JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame_for_profiling:
> (gdb) where
> #0  frame::safe_for_sender (this=0x7ffec63895f0, thread=0x7ffff08ce000)
> #1  0x00007ffff69d72a7 in JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame 
> (this=0x7ffff08ce000, fr_addr=0x7ffec63897b0, ucontext=0x7ffec6287d00, 
> isInJava=true)
> #2  0x00007ffff69d70be in JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame_for_profiling 
> (this=0x7ffff08ce000, fr_addr=0x7ffec63897b0, ucontext=0x7ffec6287d00,
>     isInJava=true)
> I tried manually setting frame::_pc to 0x802400000, and it would cause 
> frame::safe_for_sender() to return false, and thus would prevent the 
> profiler from doing any stack walking.

Was the reason safe_for_sender() failed something that we can rely on 
100%?  I looked at safe_for_sender, and it's not obvious why it would 
fail, unless the frame pointer was invalid, and I think that depends on 
the platform and flags like PreserveFramePointer.  How about filing a 
separate bug to track this issue?


> Also, both the CDS vtable patching code and the i2i trampolines are 
> tail calls, so you will never find a PC in them except for the 
> top-most frame. This means the check in JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame 
> is enough. There's no need to do additional checks after we have 
> started stack walking.
> I think the chance of landing in the CDS vtable patching methods, or 
> in the trampolines, is pretty small, so that shouldn't bother the 
> sampling profiler too much.
> Anyway, as part of this bug, we should add a regression test with the 
> profiler enabled, and keep calling a method in the CDS archive in a 
> tight loop (and manually disable compilation of that method using 
> command-line options). The test should never crash, and if possible, 
> it should also check that we don't have too many "unknown" samples.
> Thanks
> - Ioi
> On 2/19/16 4:39 PM, Dean Long wrote:
>> We have profiling code that will suspend a thread at random points 
>> and try to walk the stack.
>> I think frame::sender() will get confused if you happen to catch a 
>> thread in the trampoline,
>> and frame::_pc is in metadata and not the code cache.
>> dl
>> On 2/19/2016 2:19 PM, Calvin Cheung wrote:
>>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8145221
>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ccheung/8145221/webrev.00/
>>> This optimization reduces the size of the RW region of the CDS 
>>> archive. It also reduces the amount of pages in the RW region that 
>>> are actually written into during runtime.
>>> The original prototype on the x86_64 platform was done by Ioi 
>>> (ioi.lam at oracle.com).
>>> I helped porting it to other platforms.
>>> Special thanks to Goetz (goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com) who provided the 
>>> changes to the ppc platform.
>>> Testing:
>>>     JPRT with testset hotspot
>>>     maunal testing on X86_64, x86_32 and solaris/sparcv9 with 
>>> -XX:+PrintAssembly -XX:+PrintInterpreter
>>>     built on the Zero platform
>>>     tested on the openjdk aarch64 platform
>>>     refworkload on various platform (please refer to bug report for 
>>> data)
>>> thanks,
>>> Calvin

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