RFR(M): 8159335: Fix problems with stack overflow handling.

Coleen Phillimore coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Wed Jun 15 23:33:10 UTC 2016

I've reviewed this in detail for x86 (less so for the others but the 
concept is good).  It unifies the calculation for the interpreter 
checking for stack overflow.

-  __ shlptr(rax, Interpreter::logStackElementSize);  // 2 slots per parameter.
+  __ shlptr(rax, Interpreter::logStackElementSize);  // convert parameter count to bytes

There are two of these comments "2 slots per parameter" which are 
leftover from TaggedStackInterpreter days.  Can you make this change to 

I'm implementing this on one of our closed platforms and testing now.

Thanks!  It's nice to make progress on these buggy and inconsistent 


On 6/14/16 3:47 PM, Lindenmaier, Goetz wrote:
> Hi Coleen,
> Thanks for offering to sponsor this!
> My last edits are really minor, see that file linked below.
> Best regards,
>    Goetz
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: hotspot-runtime-dev [mailto:hotspot-runtime-dev-
>> bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Coleen Phillimore
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 6:07 PM
>> To: hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: RFR(M): 8159335: Fix problems with stack overflow handling.
>> Hi, I haven't had a chance to look at this latest change but I will
>> sponsor it.
>> thanks,
>> Coleen
>> On 6/14/16 7:51 AM, Lindenmaier, Goetz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i found vm_default_page_size() on linux/aix is unused now,
>>> and stack_page_size on aix was never used. I removed this
>>> dead coding and updated the webrev in-place.
>>> Incremental, non-aix diff:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~goetz/wr16/8159335-stkOvrflw/webrev.01/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.hpp.udiff.html
>>> Best regards,
>>>    Goetz.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Lindenmaier, Goetz
>>>> Sent: Montag, 13. Juni 2016 13:33
>>>> To: hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>> Subject: RFR(M): 8159335: Fix problems with stack overflow handling.
>>>> Hi,
>>>> During porting JEP 270 to ppc I detected a row of bugs in the stack
>> overflow
>>>> coding.
>>>> This change fixes these.
>>>> Please review these changes. I please need a sponsor.
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~goetz/wr16/8159335-
>>>> stkOvrflw/webrev.01/index.html
>>>> javaCalls.cpp:
>>>> Windows calls map_stack_shadow_pages() after doing
>>>> os::stack_shadow_pages_available().
>>>> Both functions read the stack pointer, but this might result in
>>>> different sp's. In consequence, map_stack_shadow_pages() can hit
>>>> a guard page although the previous check succeeded.
>>>> So I pass in the sp so we can assure we use the same in both. Also,
>>>> I optimized the map_stack_shadow_pages() on windows, we saw bad
>>>> assembly for it.
>>>> os_<os>.cpp:
>>>> fix bug & Streamline computation of min_stack_allowed.
>>>> - In some OS'es it was forgotten to consider the reserved pages.
>>>> - OS'es use different multiplicators (aix: 8K, bsd: system page size,
>>>>      linux: 8K, solaris: system page size (often 8K), win: system page size)
>>>>      --> Use 8K everywhere, but I noted it down with *4K as zone
>>>>          sizes are also given in 4K units.
>>>> - min_stack_allowed should be page aligned, else the warning is
>>>>      misleading.
>>>> templateTable_ppc_64.cpp:
>>>> Fix bug on ppc: in monitorenter() the wrong stack bang mechanism
>>>> was used.
>>>> globals_<cpu>.hpp:
>>>> Streamline ppc stack guard sizes. The current ppc sizes are not
>>>> adapted to openJdk. There SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0()
>>>> uses a large buffer, so shadow pages have to be increased.
>>>> This makes no big difference as many ppc systems have 64K
>>>> pages, and the zone sizes are adapted to page sizes.
>>>> Because zone sizes are calculated based on 4K pages now,
>>>> the shadow zone on sparc has to be increased, too.
>>>> Sparc uses 8K pages per default (as far as I konw),
>>>> which was the old multiplier (wrong since 8139864).
>>>> zone sizes:
>>>>         red  yellow res  shadow
>>>> aarch  1     2    0     4+5
>>>> ppc    1     6    1     6+2  --> 1 / 2 / 1 / 20+2
>>>> sparc  1     2    1    10+1  --> 1 / 2 / 1 / 20+2
>>>> spac32 1     2    1     3+1  --> 1 / 2 / 1 /  6+2
>>>> x86_64 1     2    1    20+2
>>>> x86_32 1     2    1     4+5
>>>> win
>>>> x86_64 1     3    0     6+2
>>>> x86_32 1     3    0     4+5
>>>> templateInterpreterGeneratore_<cpu>.cpp:
>>>> Simplify checking whether the new frame fits on the stack.
>>>> Use JavaThread->_stack_overflow_limit on all cpus. This
>>>> saves several instructions.
>>>> I also have to increase the stack sizes of some tests. They fail because
>>>> systems with 64K pages require five of them for the shadow/guard area.
>>>> I ran this in our night build for a few days, so it's tested on linuxx86_64,
>>>> Ppc aix, linux and linux-le, sparc and darwinintel.  Among others, all
>> hotspot
>>>> Jtreg tests and a lot of jck tests have been executed.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>>     Goetz.

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