Question about JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at
Mon May 2 13:24:39 UTC 2016

Hi Frederic,

> What do you mean by "no effect"?
The normal entry does two stack checks. 
It first does a compare. It compares SP against stack_end + (red+yellow+reserved)
(or stack_end + shadow).
See templateInterpreterGenerater_x86.cpp:521
It loads stack_base and stack_size, and computes the value to compare against.
This first check is what I meant. It's independent of whether the zones are protected
or not.

I now see that further down in normal_entry, there is the normal stack bang, too.
I missed that before.

Also I figured that x86/sparc use the max of shadow / guard zone for the compare.
So the bang further down actually does more than the compare.

This is different on ppc, there we compare against the sum, and then skip
the stack bang.  I'll check whether it works if I fix that.

But why are there two stack overflow checks?

> The important method is not setExclusiveOwnerThread() but the
> enclosing lock() method. In JDK code, the annotated method is
> lock():
I understand that if, for example Thread.currentThread() gets a stack 
overflow, you want the code to finish, i.e., you want to gain space to 
push setExclusiveOwnerThread() on the stack.

Best regards,

> > I'm currently porting JEP 270 to PPC.
> > Now I ran into an issue I don't understand, or where I think it's wrong.
> > I've been looking at the test that comes with the change.
> > I understand the test shall cause a stack overflow where one of the
> > Methods annotated with @ReservedStackAccess
> > is on the stack.
> > In this case, the ReservedZone is unprotected, and further Java code
> > Is executed.
> > As I understand, unprotecting the ReservedZone has no effect for
> > code running interpreted.
> What do you mean by "no effect"?
> Unprotecting the ReservedZone allows the method to continue its
> execution instead of receiving a SOE.
> >  The size of the protected zones is hard-coded
> > into the interpreter(see templateInterpreterGenerator_x86.cpp)
> >
> > So how can setExclusiveOwnerThread() benefit from the
> > gained space on the stack if it's running interpreter?
> The important method is not setExclusiveOwnerThread() but the
> enclosing lock() method. In JDK code, the annotated method is
> lock():
>          @ReservedStackAccess
>          final void lock() {
>              if (compareAndSetState(0, 1))
>                  setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread.currentThread());
>              else
>                  acquire(1);
>          }
> The goal of the ReservedZone is to allow annotated methods to
> complete their execution without receiving a SOE.
> Most of the time, the ReservedZone behaves like the YellowZone:
> if the zone is hit, the a SOE is thrown immediately.
> But if the ReservedZone is hit AND there's an annotated method
> on the stack, then the ReservedZone is unprotected and can be
> used as regular stack space, as long as there's at least one
> annotated method on the stack. In the case of the lock()
> method, all methods inside its body (compareAndSetState(),
> setExclusiveOwnerThread(), currentThread(), acquire()), and
> recursively all methods called by these methods, will have
> access to the unprotected ReservedZone. The fact that the
> methods are compiled or interpreted doesn't matter.
> The fact that the test excludes setExclusiveOwnerThread() from
> being compiled is just an artifact to reproduce the scenario
> where a stack overflow can occur on the line:
>                  setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread.currentThread());
> The initial scenario of the bug was too hard to reproduce so
> I've used this trick.
> Regards,
> Fred
> > On ppc, we load the limit to compare the SP against from the
> > Thread. With this design, we could easily give the interpreter
> > the possibility to use the unprotected space by resetting that
> > boundary when we protect/unprotect a zone.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> >    Goetz.
> >
> --
> Frederic Parain - Oracle
> Grenoble Engineering Center - France
> Phone: +33 4 76 18 81 17
> Email: Frederic.Parain at

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