RFR 8144279 [TESTBUG] hotspot/runtime/jsig/Test8017498.sh should use native library build support

Gerald Thornbrugh gerald.thornbrugh at oracle.com
Thu May 5 20:25:50 UTC 2016

Hi Chris,te:
> He Jerry,
> You dropped the "-z noexecstack" part. Isn't this needed? I think the 
> default is not always the same for all version of gcc and all linux 
> platforms, which is why it was explicitly added.
If the "-z noexecstack" option is not used the object is not tagged and 
is basically treated as "-z noexecstack".
When loading occurs if no objects have been tagged with "execstack" the 
stack is set to non-executable.
If only one object is tagged with "execstack" then it sets the stack as 
an executable stack.

I can put it back if you like.

Thanks for the review.

> thanks,
> Chris
> On 5/3/16 2:54 PM, Gerald Thornbrugh wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I would like to have the following change reviewed:
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8144279
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gthornbr/8144279/webrev.00/ 
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Egthornbr/8144279/webrev.00/>
>> JPRT testing completed without errors and I verified that the test 
>> was run.
>> The changes consist of:
>> Replacing the existing Test8017498.sh script file with a java test 
>> source file Testjsig.java.
>> Adding the test directory to the "BUILD_HOTSPOT_JTREG_NATIVE_SRC" 
>> list for Linux builds
>> so the native libTestJNI.c source file would be compiled into a 
>> native library.
>> Renaming the existing TestJNI.c native source file to libTestJNI.c so 
>> the build process would
>> identify the file as a native library source file and build the library.
>> Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
>> Thanks,
>> Jerry

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