RFR (L): 8073500: Prevent certain commercial flags from being changed at runtime

Coleen Phillimore coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Tue May 10 17:18:36 UTC 2016

On 5/10/16 11:11 AM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> On 5/10/16 7:59 AM, Gerard Ziemski wrote:
>> hi Ioi,
>> Thank you very much for the review and excellent feedback. Please see 
>> my comments in-line:
>>> On May 10, 2016, at 7:51 AM, Ioi Lam <ioi.lam at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> I have the same concern as David. There is a large amount of 
>>> boiler-plate changes for just a few flags that require the 
>>> writeability control. I am also guilty for this since this based on 
>>> a style of macro usage that I suggested before :-(

I thought other flags would get writeability control, and this puts the 
framework in.

>>> I understand the reason to push this now because it's an REF. The 
>>> changes look OK to me (at least no worse than before) so I think 
>>> it's OK to check it in (but only for scheduling reasons).
>>> Just one suggestion:
>>> How about replacing the following
>>>   64 void emit_writeable_bool(const char* /*name*/)      { /* NOP */ }
>>>   65 ...
>>>   74
>>>   75 // CommandLineFlagWriteable emitting code functions if range 
>>> arguments are provided
>>>   76 void emit_writeable_bool(const char* name, 
>>> CommandLineFlagWriteable::WriteableType type) {
>>>   77   CommandLineFlagWriteableList::add(new 
>>> CommandLineFlagWriteable(name, type));
>>>   78 }
>>>   ...
>>> with macros like
>>> #define EMIT_WRITABLE_FUNC(kind) \
>>> /* No control emitting if type argument is NOT provided */ \
>>>   void emit_writeable_#kind(const char* /*name*/)      { /* NOP */ }  \
>>> /* CommandLineFlagWriteable emitting code functions if range 
>>> arguments are provided */ \
>>>   void emit_writeable_#kind(const char* name, 
>>> CommandLineFlagWriteable::WriteableType type) {
>>>     CommandLineFlagWriteableList::add(new 
>>> CommandLineFlagWriteable(name, type));
>>>   }
>>> ….
>> I like the suggestion. The only concern that I have is that at this 
>> time I would prefer to wait with implementing this suggestion, as we 
>> also have ranges and constraints that would benefit from this 
>> improvement. At this point I would prefer to check it is as is 
>> (tested) and file a followup issue to handle this improvement in 
>> ranges, constraints and writeables code all at the same time.
>> Is that OK?
> Yes, that seems fine.
> Thanks
> - Ioi
>>> For the future:
>>> To avoid the large amount of boiler-plate changes, I would suggest 
>>> doing the following as an update RFE:
>>> [0] Remove range/constrain/writable from all _XXX_FLAGS macros
>>> [1] Unify all the XXX_FLAGS into a single macro.
>>> Instead of using multiple blocks of XXX_FLAGS everywhere, like this
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_PD_DEVELOPER_FLAG, \
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_PD_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_DIAGNOSTIC_FLAG, \
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG, \
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_NOTPRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_MANAGEABLE_FLAG, \
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_PRODUCT_RW_FLAG, \
>>>                   MATERIALIZE_LP64_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>                   IGNORE_RANGE, \
>>>                   IGNORE_CONSTRAINT)
>>>                      MATERIALIZE_PD_DEVELOPER_FLAG, \
>>>                      MATERIALIZE_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>                      MATERIALIZE_PD_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>                      MATERIALIZE_DIAGNOSTIC_FLAG, \
>>>                      MATERIALIZE_NOTPRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>                      IGNORE_RANGE, \
>>>                      IGNORE_CONSTRAINT)
>>> Define a global ALL_FLAGS macro:
>>> ADD all_globals.hpp:
>>>    #include <globals.hpp>
>>>    #if INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
>>>    #include "gc/g1/g1_globals.hpp"
>>>    #endif // INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
>>>    #ifdef COMPILER1
>>>    #include "c1/c1_globals.hpp"
>>>    #endif
>>>    #if INCLUDE_JVMCI
>>>    #include "jvmci/jvmci_globals.hpp"
>>>    #endif
>>>    #ifdef COMPILER2
>>>    #include "opto/c2_globals.hpp"
>>>    #endif
>>>    #ifdef SHARK
>>>    #include "shark/shark_globals.hpp"
>>>    #endif
>>>    #include
>>>    .... etc
>>>    #ifndef JVMCI_FLAGS
>>>    #define JVMCI_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd,
>>>    diagnostic, \
>>>                         experimental, notproduct)  /* do nothing */
>>>    #endif
>>>    #define ALL_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd,
>>>    diagnostic, \
>>>    experimental, notproduct, manageable, product_rw) \
>>>    RUNTIME_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd, 
>>> diagnostic, \
>>>    experimental, notproduct, manageable, product_rw) \
>>>    RUNTIME_OS_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd, 
>>> diagnostic, \
>>>             experimental, notproduct) \
>>>    JVMCI_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd, diagnostic, \
>>>                         experimental, notproduct) \
>>>    ....
>>> I.e., skip any flags that RUNTIME_OS_FLAGS doesn't need.
>>> Add an empty JVMCI_FLAGS macro if one doesn't exist.
>>> Then, all flag materialization can be done in a single block in 
>>> globals.cpp:
>>>     #define range(a, b)             IGNORE_RANGE(a,b)
>>>     #define constraint(func, type) IGNORE_CONSTRAINT(func,type)
>>>               MATERIALIZE_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>               MATERIALIZE_PD_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
>>>               MATERIALIZE_PRODUCT_RW_FLAG, \
>>>               MATERIALIZE_LP64_PRODUCT_FLAG) \
>>>     #undef range
>>>     #undef constraint
>>> In commandLineFlagRangeList.cpp:
>>>     #define range(a, b)             EMIT_RANGE(a,b)
>>>     #define constraint(func, type) EMIT_CONSTRAINT(func,type)
>>>                                  EMIT_RANGE_PD_DEVELOPER_FLAG,
>>>                                  EMIT_RANGE_PRODUCT_FLAG,
>>>                                  EMIT_RANGE_PD_PRODUCT_FLAG,
>>>                                  EMIT_RANGE_DIAGNOSTIC_FLAG,
>>>                                  EMIT_RANGE_EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG,
>>>                                  EMIT_RANGE_NOTPRODUCT_FLAG,
>>>                                  EMIT_RANGE_MANAGEABLE_FLAG,
>>>                                  EMIT_RANGE_PRODUCT_RW_FLAG,
>>> and then you can delete all the files like g1_globals.cpp whose sole 
>>> purpose is to materialize flags for a given XXX_FLAGS macro.
>>> In then future, if you want to add a new attribute, or change the 
>>> usage of an existing attribute (such as range), you don't need to 
>>> modify a large number of pd files.
>> Excellent suggestion - I will file a follow-up issue for this 
>> improvement.

This looks like an improvement but I think we want to go further and not 
use macros.  Have something preprocess some lists instead, but I don't 
have any good suggestions now.  It's definitely something worth working on.


>> Thank you.
>>> Thanks
>>> - Ioi
>>> On 5/8/16 4:39 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> On 7/05/2016 2:02 AM, Gerard Ziemski wrote:
>>>>> hi David,
>>>>>> On May 5, 2016, at 3:55 PM, David Holmes 
>>>>>> <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Gerard,
>>>>>> How does this relate to the existing Manageable and Product_rw 
>>>>>> flags ??
>>>>> Good questions:
>>>>> #1 Re: Manageable
>>>>> There is some overlap when it comes to setting the flag during the 
>>>>> runtime (ie. vie jcmd), which will need to be reconciled (in a 
>>>>> follow up task), but this mechanism is more general (with possibly 
>>>>> more writeable types added in the future) and applies to all 
>>>>> stages of the VM runtime, including the startup.
>>>>> #2 Re: product_rw
>>>>> I don’t see that used anywhere, we should remove it (in a follow 
>>>>> up task).
>>>> I think every time we add yet-another-kind-of-flag we lament that 
>>>> there is not a better way to express this as an attribute of the 
>>>> existing flags type. Writability is an orthogonal concept (as is 
>>>> "managed") to product/develop/experimental/etc and I hate to see 
>>>> yet-another-flag-type added.
>>>> That's just a comment, not a blocker, but also not a review as I 
>>>> only skimmed this.
>>>> David
>>>> -----
>>>>> cheers
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> On 3/05/2016 2:29 AM, Gerard Ziemski wrote:
>>>>>>> hi all,
>>>>>>> Please review this fix (large code change, but relatively 
>>>>>>> straightforward implementation wise), which implements a 
>>>>>>> mechanism for enforcing when and how a runtime flag may be 
>>>>>>> modified. There are 3 new types, which can be assigned:
>>>>>>> - writeable(Always) is optional and default value, which places 
>>>>>>> no limits on when or how often a flag may be changed
>>>>>>> - writeable(Once) denotes that a flag may be >> changed << only 
>>>>>>> once. We allow case such as “java -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures 
>>>>>>> ... -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures ...” to support existing 
>>>>>>> usage. This is OK, because here the flag only changes its value 
>>>>>>> >> once << , ie. from false to true.
>>>>>>> - writeable(CommandLineOnly) denotes that a flag may only be 
>>>>>>> changed from the command line (tools like jcmd may not change 
>>>>>>> such a flag during the runtime)
>>>>>>> The implementation is based on the same mechanism as that in 
>>>>>>> JEP-245 (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8059557)
>>>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8073500
>>>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gziemski/8073500_rev1/
>>>>>>> Tested with “JPRT hotspot” and “RBT hs-nightly-runtime”
>>>>>>> cheers

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