RFR (XS): 8181451: JDK-8174231 broke some clang builds

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Fri Jun 2 05:54:43 UTC 2017

> On Jun 2, 2017, at 12:55 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181451
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8181451/webrev/

Looks good.

> tl;dr: simple fix, but interesting explanation :)
> The fix for 8174231 actually exposed a flaw in the os_bsd.hpp header, where we have this:
> #ifdef __APPLE__
> // Mac OS X doesn't support clock_gettime. Stub out the type, it is
> // unused
> typedef int clockid_t;
> #endif
> When building for Mac OS the clockid_t is never used (ifdef !_APPLE_) and so the typedef is not needed. As of Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra) clock_gettime _is_ supported, but the real clockid_t is a enum - hence the existing typedef is incorrect (but probably harmless at runtime given enums are physically if not logically ints).
> What was going wrong after the fix for 8174231 is that the initial use of clockid_t to describe the _clock_gettime_func variable was in the global scope (so the enum); whereas the actual assignment to that variable, using a cast, is in the os::Posix class scope, and the typedef above is also in the os class scope, and so an int. Hence the compiler complained that the clockid_t-enum on the left of the assignment, was not the same as the clockid_t-int on the right.
> Thanks to Igor for finding this (we don't build or test on Mac OS X 10.12 normally) and the initial suggested fix - which used a typedef for the clock_gettime function type and so ensured the types on the left and right of the assignment were the same (and the enum at that!).
> Many thanks to Kim for solving the mystery of how the two clockid_t's on the same line of source code could end up being different types! After wading through that I really do need my upcoming vacation. :)
> Oh and one final word. While OS X 10.12 now supports clock_gettime and CLOCK_MONOTONIC we do not use them. The time functions still use the mach time functions. There is still no support for pthread_condattr_setclock, so we don't use CLOCK_MONOTONIC there either. (Which is a bug waiting to happen as we want consistent use of clocks!).
> Thanks,
> David

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