RFR(M): 8171181: Supporting heap allocation on alternative memory devices

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Tue Mar 7 08:36:00 UTC 2017

On 06/03/17 21:19, Kharbas, Kishor wrote:
> I don't think there will be failures if that happens. The user needs to be let known that NUMA is not supported if he tries to use NUMA in conjunction to this flag.

I'm wondering if perhaps I'm not speaking clearly.  Please, let me spell
out my thinking:

a.  This flag can be used by the DAX filesystem, but can be used by any

b.  For example, it might be used to put the heap onto a file in, say,
a RAM-backed file where NUMA is supported.

c.  On such a system, NUMA might be available and useful.

d.  Therefore it is not appropriate to tell people that NUMA is not
supported when you do not know that it is not supported.

Perhaps I have made some mistake in my reasoning here.


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