RFR (10) (S) 8175817: Clean up Solaris signal code: SIGUSR2, SIGasync, SIGJVM1/2

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Mar 17 21:58:04 UTC 2017

Can I get a Review please.


On 16/03/2017 11:00 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8175817
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8175817/webrev/
> On Solaris SIGasync represents what we call the "SR signal" on other
> platforms (the event-based suspend/resume signal), and it is hardwired
> to SIGJVM2 (a dedicated JVM signal on Solaris 10+).
> As this signal is hard-wired and has not been user-definable at runtime
> for a very long time, we can do away with the SIGasync field and its
> setter and getter, and simply define ASYNC_SIGNAL as SIGJVM2 (not
> SIGUSR2 as the code currently suggests!). Once this is a build time
> constant it simplifies some other code.
> We can also stop trying to account for SIGJVM1/2 not existing as they
> must exist on the supported Solaris platforms.
> We can also stop trying to deal with an older libjsig (the logic for
> which has a bug anyway: used <= instead of < in the version check).
> Overall just a bit of simplification and cleanup. No functional changes.
> Testing: JPRT
> Thanks,
> David

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