答复: 答复: 答复: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when processing monitorenters and monitorexits

陈雨亭 chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn
Thu May 18 06:02:44 UTC 2017

I agree. There may be a typo when an exception needs to be thrown,:)


发件人: David Holmes [mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com] 
发送时间: 2017年5月17日 22:29
收件人: chenyt <chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>
抄送: hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
主题: Re: 答复: 答复: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when processing monitorenters and monitorexits

Is this any different from what you previously reported??

Sorry I'm having a hard time tracking the scenarios. As far as I can tell there are two cases:

- new'd but uninitialized objectref

This should be a verification error in which case runtime behaviour is unspecified.

- null reference

This should throw NullPointerException, and as per last email the interpreter explicitly has a null check, so I don't know why this wouldn't throw.


On 18/05/2017 3:15 PM, chenyt wrote:
> Hi, David,
> I tested the next Jimple programs (let one object under monitoring be
> null) using J9 and HotSpot. I did not see NullPointerException here 
> (the specification does tell me so). Am I wrong again? Hope the next 
> two cases will help check.
> (1) case 1: HotSpot: IllegalMonitorStateException J9: NullPointerException
>         r0 := @this: Search;
>         r1 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
>         r2 = null;
>         entermonitor r0;
>         entermonitor r2;
>         exitmonitor r2;
>         exitmonitor r0;
>  (2) case 2: HotSpot: IllegalMonitorStateException J9: VerifyError
>         r1 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
>         r2 = new Search;
>         entermonitor r0;
>         entermonitor r2;
>         r2=null;
>         exitmonitor r2;
>         exitmonitor r0;
> It is very interesting that I can still find some unexpected behaviors 
> here.
> Wishes,
> Yuting
> On Thu, 18 May 2017 14:57:03 +1000, David Holmes wrote:
>> On 18/05/2017 2:18 PM, 陈雨亭 wrote:
>>> Hi, David,
>>> I still did not catch why it happens... I just read the 
>>> specification and wrote some tests in order to understand some 
>>> paragraphs better, and then had questions.
>>> Will the HotSpot's verifier detect such kind of uninitialized 
>>> monitored objects in future?
>> I have filed a bug so this can be examined more closely.
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8180581
>> Thanks,
>> David
>>> Regards,
>>> Yuting
>>> -----邮件原件-----
>>> 发件人: David Holmes [mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com]
>>> 发送时间: 2017年5月17日 20:23
>>> 收件人: 陈雨亭 <chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>;
>>> hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>> 主题: Re: 答复: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when 
>>> processing monitorenters and monitorexits
>>> One correction ...
>>> On 18/05/2017 10:29 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> On 18/05/2017 8:12 AM, 陈雨亭 wrote:
>>>>> Thank you, David. I have seen from the specification that 
>>>>> structured locking enforcement is optional. The second and the 
>>>>> third ones are cases of structured/nested lockings. Will 
>>>>> non-nested locking sequences raise deadlocks? Of course it is a 
>>>>> different topic, while it might be better if it can be kicked out 
>>>>> earlier from the specification/JVM.
>>>> Non-nested locking doesn't necessarily lead to deadlocks - you just 
>>>> need a different locking order for that (even if properly nested).
>>>> There are locking patterns that rely on the ability to lock and 
>>>> unlock in different order ie chained-locking for walking 
>>>> linked-lists
>>>> A->B->C->D:
>>>> - lock A, lock B, unlock A, lock C, unlock B, lock D, unlock C ...
>>>> The VM spec allows a little flexibility in how the monitor 
>>>> bytecodes can be used compared to the Java programming language. 
>>>> That's not something that will change.
>>>>> The first example is still a problem. It seems that HotSpot allows 
>>>>> to monitor a pure object reference without initialized (Is it 
>>>>> true? How can this checking be omitted?). J9 reports a verifyerror as follows.
>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY012 stack 
>>>>> shape inconsistent; class=Search, 
>>>>> method=main([Ljava/lang/String;)V,
>>>>> pc=6 Exception Details:
>>>>>   Location:
>>>>>     Search.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V @6: JBmonitorenter
>>>>>   Reason:
>>>>>     Type 'uninitialized' (current frame, stack[1]) is not 
>>>>> assignable to 'java/lang/Object'
>>>>>   Current Frame:
>>>>>     bci: @6
>>>>>     flags: { }
>>>>>     locals: { 'Search', '[Ljava/lang/String;' }
>>>>>     stack: { 'uninitialized', 'uninitialized' }
>>>>>     at T.main(T.java:4)
>>>> Yes I think this may be a bug in hotspot. The type-checking for the 
>>>> monitor bytecodes requires a matching type of reference on the 
>>>> operand stack - but "uninitialized" does not match Object, as J9 
>>>> reports. But I'm not an expert on this aspect of verification so I 
>>>> may not be interpreting it correctly.
>>>> More below ...
>>>>> -----邮件原件-----
>>>>> 发件人: David Holmes [mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com]
>>>>> 发送时间: 2017年5月17日 14:41
>>>>> 收件人: 陈雨亭 <chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>;
>>>>> hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>>> 主题: Re: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when 
>>>>> processing monitorenters and monitorexits
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On 18/05/2017 7:23 AM, 陈雨亭 wrote:
>>>>>> Am I wrong?
>>>>> I will look at each situation in detail when I get a chance but 
>>>>> structured locking enforcement is optional. Also balancing the 
>>>>> number of locks and unlocks in a frame does not mean they can't be 
>>>>> locked and unlocked in a non-nested fashion - just that by the end 
>>>>> the number of unlocks matches the number of locks.
>>>>> BTW the way you respond to these emails, as if having a 
>>>>> conversation with yourself, makes it difficult to respond as we 
>>>>> can't readily see what is the new email and what is the original.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> David
>>>>>> The byte code for main() in case 1 is as follows. The strange 
>>>>>> thing is that NullPointerException is also not thrown at runtime.
>>>> That is strange as it does for the normal obvious case of using
>>>> synchronized(o) when o is null.
>>> Ah - it isn't null it just an object for which the constructor has 
>>> not been run. The runtime can't tell the difference between a 
>>> pointer to a valid initialized object, and a pointer to an 
>>> uninitialized chunk of memory.
>>>>>> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception;
>>>>>>     descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
>>>>>>     flags: ACC_PUBLIC
>>>>>>     Code:
>>>>>>       stack=3, locals=2, args_size=2
>>>>>>          0: new           #2                  // class Search
>>> This allocated an object - hence no null reference. But this is what 
>>> verification should have complained about.
>>> David
>>> -----
>>>>>>          3: dup
>>>>>>          4: aload_0
>>>>>>          5: monitorenter
>>>>>>          6: monitorenter
>>>>>>          7: monitorexit
>>>>>>          8: aload_0
>>>>>>          9: monitorexit
>>>>>>         10: return
>>>>>>     Exceptions:
>>>>>>       throws java.lang.Exception
>>>>>> 主题: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when processing 
>>>>>> monitorenters and monitorexits
>>>>>> I have tested several programs (in Jimple) and found that HotSpot 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> J9 match monitorenters and monitorexits quite differently. 
>>>>>> Verifiers should play more important roles here.
>>>> The job of the verifier is to establish some basic guarantees for 
>>>> the JVM to then operate under. The verifier plays no role in 
>>>> checking how monitorenter/exit are used in combination, only that 
>>>> each individual bytecode meets some basic type constraints.
>>>>>> (1) Test the next program (r2 is not initizlied) on HotSpot and J9.
>>>>>> J9 throw out a verifier error, while HotSpot does not. It seems 
>>>>>> that HotSpot's verifier forgets to check whether a monitored 
>>>>>> object is initialized.
>>>>>> public class Search extends java.lang.Object { public void <init>()
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>         Search r0;
>>>>>>         r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>         specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();
>>>>>>         return;
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>         Search r0;
>>>>>>         Search r2;
>>>>>>         java.lang.String[] r1;
>>>>>>         r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>         r1 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
>>>>>>         r2 = new Search;
>>>>>>         entermonitor r2;
>>>>>>         entermonitor r0;
>>>>>>         exitmonitor r2;
>>>>>>         exitmonitor r0;
>>>>>>         return;
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>> Verification was covered above.
>>>>>> (2) Test the next program on HotSpot and J9, and both do not 
>>>>>> report any errors. However, I guess the order in the program 
>>>>>> (entermonitor r2; => entermonitor r0; =>  exitmonitor r2; => 
>>>>>> exitmonitor r0;) violates the situation of "structured locking" 
>>>>>> (Structured locking is the situation when, during a method 
>>>>>> invocation, every exit on a given monitor matches a preceding 
>>>>>> entry on that monitor, see the specification
>>>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-2.html#jvms-2.
>>>>>> 11.10)
>>>>>> ?
>>>> No it doesn't violate structured locking as the number of enters 
>>>> and exits match, and there is always an enter before an exit.
>>>>>> Actually, the words (every exit on a given monitor matches a 
>>>>>> preceding entry on that monitor) are not quite clear as for me.
>>>>>> Otherwise the first rule (The number of monitor entries performed 
>>>>>> by T on M during a method invocation must equal the number of 
>>>>>> monitor exits performed by T on M during the method invocation 
>>>>>> whether the method  invocation completes normally or abruptly.) is sufficient.
>>>> The number of enters and exits must not only match/balance, but 
>>>> there must be an enter before a corresponding exit.
>>>>>> public class Search extends java.lang.Object {
>>>>>> public void <init>()
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>         Search r0;
>>>>>>         r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>         specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();
>>>>>>         return;
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>         Search r0;
>>>>>>         Search r2;
>>>>>>         java.lang.String[] r1;
>>>>>>         r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>         r1 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
>>>>>>         r2 = new Search;
>>>>>>         specialinvoke r2.<Search: void <init>()>();
>>>>>>         entermonitor r2;
>>>>>>         entermonitor r0;
>>>>>>         exitmonitor r2;
>>>>>>         exitmonitor r0;
>>>>>>         return;
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> (3) The next program enters monitor in <init> and exits it in main().
>>>>>> HotSpot throws a runtime exception, while J9 does not. Should 
>>>>>> this program be rejected by the verifiers?
>>>> No this does not violate any verification rules. The runtime 
>>>> behaviour depends on whether structured locking is enforced or 
>>>> not.(Even in hotspot there can be differences between interpreted and jitted code).
>>>> Hope that helps clarify things.
>>>> David
>>>> -----
>>>>>> public class Search extends java.lang.Object {
>>>>>> public void <init>()
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>         Search r0;
>>>>>>         r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>         specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();
>>>>>>         entermonitor r0;

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