答复: 答复: 答复: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when processing monitorenters and monitorexits

陈雨亭 chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn
Thu May 18 15:15:20 UTC 2017

HotSpot still misses catching the NullPointerException for the next program (only one pair of entermonitor and monitorexit). It only performs checks when the function exits and throw an IllegalMonitorStateException. We should enumerate more cases to test the JVMs.

  public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception;
    descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
         0: aload_0
         1: monitorenter
         2: aconst_null
         3: monitorexit
         4: return
      throws java.lang.Exception

发件人: 陈雨亭 [mailto:chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn] 
发送时间: 2017年5月18日 7:56
收件人: 'Mikael Gerdin' <mikael.gerdin at oracle.com>; 'David Holmes' <david.holmes at oracle.com>
抄送: 'hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net' <hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net>
主题: 答复: 答复: 答复: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when processing monitorenters and monitorexits

Is it caused by the locking structure? I tested the next two programs, and saw a difference was raised by the locking structure. The first program throws an IllegalMonitorStateException and the second one throws the NullPointerException. We just monitored another object in the first program.

public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception;
    descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
         0: aload_0
         1: monitorenter
         2: aconst_null
         3: monitorenter
         4: aconst_null
         5: monitorexit
         6: aload_0
         7: monitorexit
         8: return
      throws java.lang.Exception

public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception;
    descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
         0: aconst_null
         1: monitorenter
         2: aconst_null
         3: monitorexit
         4: return
      throws java.lang.Exception

发件人: Mikael Gerdin [mailto:mikael.gerdin at oracle.com]
发送时间: 2017年5月18日 7:26
收件人: 陈雨亭 <chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>; 'David Holmes' <david.holmes at oracle.com>
抄送: hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
主题: Re: 答复: 答复: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when processing monitorenters and monitorexits


On 2017-05-18 16:22, 陈雨亭 wrote:
> HotSpot throws a NullPointerException correctly when an initialized object as set as null, as follows.
> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception;
>      descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
>      flags: ACC_PUBLIC
>      Code:
>        stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
>           0: new           #2                  // class Search
>           3: invokespecial #14                 // Method "<init>":()V
>           6: aconst_null
>           7: monitorenter
>           8: aconst_null
>           9: monitorexit
>          10: return
>      Exceptions:
>        throws java.lang.Exception

Right. I just realized I missed the fact that the code did end up dereferencing the object but the code which actually makes that happen is not particularly easy to follow.
Sorry for the noise.

> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: Mikael Gerdin [mailto:mikael.gerdin at oracle.com]
> 发送时间: 2017年5月18日 4:55
> 收件人: David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com>; chenyt 
> <chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>
> 抄送: hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
> 主题: Re: 答复: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when 
> processing monitorenters and monitorexits
> On 2017-05-18 07:25, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Yuting,
>> On 18/05/2017 2:49 PM, chenyt wrote:
>>> Hi, David,
>>> I tested the next program (let one object to be monitored be null) 
>>> using
>>> J9 and HotSpot. HotSpot does not throw a NullPointerException, as 
>>> the specification says. J9 looks fine (throw a 
>>> NullPointerException). Am I wrong here?
>> I can't readily test this as I don't have Jimple nor quick and easy 
>> access to bytecode assemblers. It is strange though as the 
>> interpreter code contains this:
>>        CASE(_monitorenter): {
>>          oop lockee = STACK_OBJECT(-1);
>>          // derefing's lockee ought to provoke implicit null check
>>          CHECK_NULL(lockee);
> In the x86 templateTable we do
> void TemplateTable::monitorenter() {
>     transition(atos, vtos);
>     // check for NULL object
>     __ null_check(rax);
> but looking in macroAssembler_x86.cpp null_check only does a cmp (setting the eflags) but there's no condtional branch on the Z flag?
> It feels like I'm crazy but several of these __ null_check() calls seem broken to me.
> /Mikael
>> If I can find some time I will try to test this myself.
>>> It is very interesting that I have found so many unexpected 
>>> behaviors here.
>> Well you only found two and they are related. :) Manually assembled 
>> monitor code is not something very many (any?) people care about or 
>> do
>> - other than emulating correct language usage.
>> Cheers,
>> David
>>>    public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception;
>>>      descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
>>>      flags: ACC_PUBLIC
>>>      Code:
>>>        stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
>>>           0: aload_0
>>>           1: monitorenter
>>>           2: aconst_null
>>>           3: monitorenter
>>>           4: aconst_null
>>>           5: monitorexit
>>>           6: aload_0
>>>           7: monitorexit
>>>           8: return
>>>      Exceptions:
>>>        throws java.lang.Exception
>>> Jimple code is given as follows:
>>> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception
>>>      {
>>>          Search r0;
>>>          Search r2;
>>>          java.lang.String[] r1;
>>>          r0 := @this: Search;
>>>          r1 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
>>>          r2 = null;
>>>          entermonitor r0;
>>>          entermonitor r2;
>>>          exitmonitor r2;
>>>          exitmonitor r0;
>>>          return;
>>>      }
>>> Wishes,
>>> Yuting
>>> On Thu, 18 May 2017 13:23:09 +1000, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> One correction ...
>>>> On 18/05/2017 10:29 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>> On 18/05/2017 8:12 AM, 陈雨亭 wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you, David. I have seen from the specification that 
>>>>>> structured locking enforcement is optional. The second and the 
>>>>>> third ones are cases of structured/nested lockings. Will 
>>>>>> non-nested locking sequences raise deadlocks? Of course it is a 
>>>>>> different topic, while it might be better if it can be kicked out 
>>>>>> earlier from the specification/JVM.
>>>>> Non-nested locking doesn't necessarily lead to deadlocks - you 
>>>>> just need a different locking order for that (even if properly nested).
>>>>> There are locking patterns that rely on the ability to lock and 
>>>>> unlock in different order ie chained-locking for walking 
>>>>> linked-lists A->B->C->D:
>>>>> - lock A, lock B, unlock A, lock C, unlock B, lock D, unlock C ...
>>>>> The VM spec allows a little flexibility in how the monitor 
>>>>> bytecodes can be used compared to the Java programming language.
>>>>> That's not something that will change.
>>>>>> The first example is still a problem. It seems that HotSpot 
>>>>>> allows to monitor a pure object reference without initialized (Is 
>>>>>> it true? How can this checking be omitted?). J9 reports a 
>>>>>> verifyerror as follows.
>>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY012 
>>>>>> stack shape inconsistent; class=Search, 
>>>>>> method=main([Ljava/lang/String;)V, pc=6 Exception Details:
>>>>>>    Location:
>>>>>>      Search.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V @6: JBmonitorenter
>>>>>>    Reason:
>>>>>>      Type 'uninitialized' (current frame, stack[1]) is not 
>>>>>> assignable to 'java/lang/Object'
>>>>>>    Current Frame:
>>>>>>      bci: @6
>>>>>>      flags: { }
>>>>>>      locals: { 'Search', '[Ljava/lang/String;' }
>>>>>>      stack: { 'uninitialized', 'uninitialized' }
>>>>>>      at T.main(T.java:4)
>>>>> Yes I think this may be a bug in hotspot. The type-checking for 
>>>>> the monitor bytecodes requires a matching type of reference on the 
>>>>> operand stack - but "uninitialized" does not match Object, as J9 
>>>>> reports. But I'm not an expert on this aspect of verification so I 
>>>>> may not be interpreting it correctly.
>>>>> More below ...
>>>>>> -----邮件原件-----
>>>>>> 发件人: David Holmes [mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com]
>>>>>> 发送时间: 2017年5月17日 14:41
>>>>>> 收件人: 陈雨亭 <chenyt at cs.sjtu.edu.cn>; 
>>>>>> hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>>>> 主题: Re: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when 
>>>>>> processing monitorenters and monitorexits
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> On 18/05/2017 7:23 AM, 陈雨亭 wrote:
>>>>>>> Am I wrong?
>>>>>> I will look at each situation in detail when I get a chance but 
>>>>>> structured locking enforcement is optional. Also balancing the 
>>>>>> number of locks and unlocks in a frame does not mean they can't 
>>>>>> be locked and unlocked in a non-nested fashion - just that by the 
>>>>>> end the number of unlocks matches the number of locks.
>>>>>> BTW the way you respond to these emails, as if having a 
>>>>>> conversation with yourself, makes it difficult to respond as we 
>>>>>> can't readily see what is the new email and what is the original.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> David
>>>>>>> The byte code for main() in case 1 is as follows. The strange 
>>>>>>> thing is that NullPointerException is also not thrown at runtime.
>>>>> That is strange as it does for the normal obvious case of using
>>>>> synchronized(o) when o is null.
>>>> Ah - it isn't null it just an object for which the constructor has 
>>>> not been run. The runtime can't tell the difference between a 
>>>> pointer to a valid initialized object, and a pointer to an 
>>>> uninitialized chunk of memory.
>>>>>>> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception;
>>>>>>>      descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
>>>>>>>      flags: ACC_PUBLIC
>>>>>>>      Code:
>>>>>>>        stack=3, locals=2, args_size=2
>>>>>>>           0: new           #2                  // class Search
>>>> This allocated an object - hence no null reference. But this is 
>>>> what verification should have complained about.
>>>> David
>>>> -----
>>>>>>>           3: dup
>>>>>>>           4: aload_0
>>>>>>>           5: monitorenter
>>>>>>>           6: monitorenter
>>>>>>>           7: monitorexit
>>>>>>>           8: aload_0
>>>>>>>           9: monitorexit
>>>>>>>          10: return
>>>>>>>      Exceptions:
>>>>>>>        throws java.lang.Exception
>>>>>>> 主题: HotSpot and IBM's J9 behave quite differently when 
>>>>>>> processing monitorenters and monitorexits
>>>>>>> I have tested several programs (in Jimple) and found that 
>>>>>>> HotSpot and
>>>>>>> J9 match monitorenters and monitorexits quite differently.
>>>>>>> Verifiers should play more important roles here.
>>>>> The job of the verifier is to establish some basic guarantees for 
>>>>> the JVM to then operate under. The verifier plays no role in 
>>>>> checking how monitorenter/exit are used in combination, only that 
>>>>> each individual bytecode meets some basic type constraints.
>>>>>>> (1) Test the next program (r2 is not initizlied) on HotSpot and J9.
>>>>>>> J9 throw out a verifier error, while HotSpot does not. It seems 
>>>>>>> that HotSpot's verifier forgets to check whether a monitored 
>>>>>>> object is initialized.
>>>>>>> public class Search extends java.lang.Object { public void <init>()
>>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>>          Search r0;
>>>>>>>          r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>>          specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();
>>>>>>>          return;
>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception
>>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>>          Search r0;
>>>>>>>          Search r2;
>>>>>>>          java.lang.String[] r1;
>>>>>>>          r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>>          r1 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
>>>>>>>          r2 = new Search;
>>>>>>>          entermonitor r2;
>>>>>>>          entermonitor r0;
>>>>>>>          exitmonitor r2;
>>>>>>>          exitmonitor r0;
>>>>>>>          return;
>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>> Verification was covered above.
>>>>>>> (2) Test the next program on HotSpot and J9, and both do not 
>>>>>>> report any errors. However, I guess the order in the program 
>>>>>>> (entermonitor r2; => entermonitor r0; =>  exitmonitor r2; => 
>>>>>>> exitmonitor r0;) violates the situation of "structured locking"
>>>>>>> (Structured locking is the situation when, during a method 
>>>>>>> invocation, every exit on a given monitor matches a preceding 
>>>>>>> entry on that monitor, see the specification
>>>>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-2.html#jvms-2.
>>>>>>> 11.10)
>>>>>>> ?
>>>>> No it doesn't violate structured locking as the number of enters 
>>>>> and exits match, and there is always an enter before an exit.
>>>>>>> Actually, the words (every exit on a given monitor matches a 
>>>>>>> preceding entry on that monitor) are not quite clear as for me.
>>>>>>> Otherwise the first rule (The number of monitor entries 
>>>>>>> performed by T on M during a method invocation must equal the 
>>>>>>> number of monitor exits performed by T on M during the method 
>>>>>>> invocation whether the method  invocation completes normally or
>>>>>>> abruptly.) is sufficient.
>>>>> The number of enters and exits must not only match/balance, but 
>>>>> there must be an enter before a corresponding exit.
>>>>>>> public class Search extends java.lang.Object {
>>>>>>> public void <init>()
>>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>>          Search r0;
>>>>>>>          r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>>          specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();
>>>>>>>          return;
>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception
>>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>>          Search r0;
>>>>>>>          Search r2;
>>>>>>>          java.lang.String[] r1;
>>>>>>>          r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>>          r1 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
>>>>>>>          r2 = new Search;
>>>>>>>          specialinvoke r2.<Search: void <init>()>();
>>>>>>>          entermonitor r2;
>>>>>>>          entermonitor r0;
>>>>>>>          exitmonitor r2;
>>>>>>>          exitmonitor r0;
>>>>>>>          return;
>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> (3) The next program enters monitor in <init> and exits it in main().
>>>>>>> HotSpot throws a runtime exception, while J9 does not. Should 
>>>>>>> this program be rejected by the verifiers?
>>>>> No this does not violate any verification rules. The runtime 
>>>>> behaviour depends on whether structured locking is enforced or 
>>>>> not.(Even in hotspot there can be differences between interpreted and jitted code).
>>>>> Hope that helps clarify things.
>>>>> David
>>>>> -----
>>>>>>> public class Search extends java.lang.Object {
>>>>>>> public void <init>()
>>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>>          Search r0;
>>>>>>>          r0 := @this: Search;
>>>>>>>          specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();
>>>>>>>          entermonitor r0;
>>>>>>>          return;
>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>> public void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception
>>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>>          Search r0;
>>>>>>>          Search r2;
>>>>>>>          java.lang.S

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