RFR(S): 8181592: [TESTBUG] Docker test utils and docker jdk basic test

Mikhailo Seledtsov mikhailo.seledtsov at oracle.com
Thu Oct 12 03:37:17 UTC 2017

Hi Robbin,

On 10/11/17, 3:06 AM, Robbin Ehn wrote:
> Hi,
> jtreg now spits out:
> dockerSupport() threw exception: java.io.IOException: Cannot run 
> program "docker": error=2, No such file or directory
> Doesn't seem right.
When I saw your message at first I was afraid that this stops/blocks 
test execution, despite me running 5 rounds on internal automated test 
system. I just re-tested again manually on a machine w/o docker engine, 
and see that the test run continues and completes normally. However, I 
can see the message spitted out.

Thank you for pointing this out. I will file a bug for this.

By looking at the code of test/jtreg-ext/requires/VMProps.java, the 
dockerSupport() method has a try/catch clause around the 
checkDockerSupport(), the method which actually does the check. So I 
assumed that the exception is handled properly. We must have 
TraceException enabled at that point, or some other mechanism that makes 
correctly caught exceptions verbose.

Thank you,
> /Robbin
> On 09/22/2017 02:58 AM, mikhailo wrote:
>> Please review this initial drop of Docker test utils and a sanity 
>> test. This change lays ground
>> for further test development and test utils improvement in this area.
>>      JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181592
>>      Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/8181592.00/
>>      Testing:
>>         - run this test on machine with Docker enabled - works
>>         - run this test on Linux-x64 with no Docker engine or Docker 
>> disabled - test skipped (as expected)
>>         - run this test on automated system - in progress
>> Thank you,
>> Misha

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