CSR Review: 8189423: Add option to disable stack overflow checking in primordial thread for use with JNI_CreateJavaJVM

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 06:14:49 UTC 2017

Hi David,

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 11:00 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com>

> Hi Thomas,
> On 18/10/2017 1:11 AM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I understand that you want to have a quick solution to a specific
>> problem. I do not like adding a switch with such a narrow usage and would
>> prefer, like Robin, a more well rounded and more general solution.
> To have a "more well rounded and more general solution" you first need a
> more general problem. :)

Sure :)

The main example I was thinking of was the desire to attach native threads
which have a different stack size than Xss - however, after inspecting the
code, I see that this point is moot (maybe always was) as the VM does
already the correct thing by placing the VM guards at the end of the real
stack size, not at Xss.

The other situations I could think of are cases where the thread stack
lives in memory which is not protectable, or at least not protectable the
way hotspot does it, using mprotect. On AIX, that would be the primordial
thread stack as well as any memory allocated with SystemV shm.

Beside that, I could imagine certain embedders just not wanting the VM to
place guards, for whatever reason. I could imagine scenarios where one
wants to pool thread stack memory and does not want that memory polluted
with guard pages.

But I think now that these cases would best served with an addition to the
invocation API, by giving JNI_CreateAttachedThread an option to skip vm
guard creation. That would prevent normal users to fall over a
misunderstood option. Embedders typically know better what they do.

> I'm not at all clear what problem the ability to control stack guards for
> any attaching thread would be solving.
> That said, I do not see any specific problems with the proposed switch.
> Thank you.
> Not even sure if that matters, as I am not even sure I can review CSRs :)
> You certainly can!
> Q: Who should be a reviewer on a CSR proposal?
> A: One or more engineers with expertise in the areas impacted by the
> proposed change should review the CSR request and be listed as a reviewer
> before the proposal is reviewed by the CSR membership. (These engineers may
> or may not be Reviewers on the corresponding JDK project.) [1]
Ah :) Okay then, consider it reviewed :)


> Thanks,
> David
> [1] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/csr/CSR+FAQs
> Kind Regards, Thomas
>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 3:00 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com
>> <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>     On 17/10/2017 10:41 PM, Robbin Ehn wrote:
>>         On 10/17/2017 12:29 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>             On 17/10/2017 7:28 PM, Robbin Ehn wrote:
>>                     My understanding from prior discussion (ie when we
>>                     fixed the 2MB stack limit) is that it doesn't work
>>                     for them to use a new thread for the JVM. The change
>>                     to support anything but unlimited stack size also
>>                     helped (and the 8M limit when 'unlimited' is
>>                     tolerable) but really they just want a simple way to
>>                     say "please don't bother with stack guards, I can
>>                     deal with that myself".
>>                 Is there a problem I'm not seeing to extends this to all
>>                 attaching threads?
>>                 E.g. -XX:+DisableAttachingThreadGuardPages (more useful
>>                 option I would say)
>>             Yes - that allows it to impact all of our launchers as well
>>             - not something I want to allow for. It opens the door for a
>>             myriad of bug reports if people use this flag without
>>             understanding it's consequences.
>>             The aim here is to solve a specific problem, not introduce
>>             new ways to break things.
>>         First, since this is broken, you would fix the issue with
>>         different stacksizes.
>>     Not sure what you consider "broken". The current approach causes a
>>     problem for runtimes that want to do their own stack guards. The
>>     proposal is to allow them by giving a flag to turn ours off - but
>>     only for the primordial thread, as that is where the problem lies.
>>         And secondly, I think the solution to that is to move all 'text'
>>         options to the launcher and have the CreateVM taking a data
>>         structure with pre-parsed options. And let the launcher choose
>>         which options to expose to the end-user. Meaning our own java
>>         launcher would never expose this option. (but this is much
>>         bigger discussion)
>>     Let's not start to envisage a complete re-design of how you might
>>     communicate arguments between a host process and the VM. Please.
>>         Would the option would skip adding guard to any other thread
>>         calling CreateVM?
>>         If not, have the option really the correct name?
>>         E.g. -XX:+DisableCreateVMThreadGuardPages ?
>>     The option would ONLY skip for the PRIMORDIAL thread of the process
>>     when it loads the VM - hence it has exactly the right name. I
>>     specifically do not want to allow this for an arbitrary thread that
>>     happens to do the loading of the VM.
>>     Thanks,
>>     David
>>         Thanks, Robbin
>>             David
>>                 Thanks, Robbin
>>                     This is intended to be a very simple, very specific
>>                     proposal. I suppose it could be flagged as
>>                     "experimental" if we wanted the flexibility to do
>>                     something different later. But I don't see that
>>                     being on the cards.
>>                     Cheers,
>>                     David
>>                         Thanks Robbin
>>                             Kind Regards, Thomas
>>                             On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 9:22 AM, David
>>                             Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com
>>                             <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>>
>>                             wrote:
>>                                 CSR:
>>                                 https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/
>> browse/JDK-8189423
>>                                 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net
>> /browse/JDK-8189423>
>>                                 Bug:
>>                                 https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/
>> browse/JDK-8189170
>>                                 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net
>> /browse/JDK-8189170>
>>                                 Could I please have a reviewer for this
>>                                 CSR request so I can fast-track it.
>>                                 Comments on the proposal are of course
>>                                 welcome.
>>                                 Thanks,
>>                                 David

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