Review Request JDK-8189193: FindClass mistakenly uses system class loader when the initiating loader is bootstrap loader

mandy chung mandy.chung at
Thu Oct 19 05:50:56 UTC 2017

On 10/18/17 9:09 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> No problem with separate test, just wondering if it should be 
> somewhere else (with the other tests), or whether those other tests 
> will end up in the FindClass directory? 

The new test I added is in test/jdk/java/lang/ClassLoader/nativeLibrary 
which is about loading and unloading native library.

The existing FindClass tests are tonga tests.  I am not sure if there 
are other FindClass tests under test/hotspot/jtreg but at least I don't 
find them yet.

I think test/hotspot/runtime/jni/FindClass is a good location to me.  Do 
you have any better suggestion?


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