RFR(S) 8187040: ThreadCritical crashes on Solaris if used between os::init and os::init_2

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 17:31:35 UTC 2017

Hi Mikael,

(I never understood why we cannot just use pthread mutexes on Solaris. Why
all this dynamic loading magic, are pthread functions not available on all
Solaris versions?)

Small nit, instead of adding a new variable _synchronization_initialized,
how about _mutex_lock != NULL (in ThreadCritical()) and _mutex_unlock !=
NULL (in ~ThreadCritical())?

I am okay with the removal of ::release(). Even if it were used, it is
really safer to let the mutex live until process end.

I leave it up to you if you take my suggestion above. The patch is fine for
me in the current form.

Kind Regards, Thomas

On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 5:23 PM, Mikael Gerdin <mikael.gerdin at oracle.com>

> Hi,
> Please review this small fix to ThreadCritical.
> When working on a piece of code which allocates memory early on I noticed
> that it crashed if I enabled NMT.
> The reason is that NMT uses ThreadCritical and os::Solaris sets the
> ThreadCritical::_initialized flag before it actually sets up the function
> pointers the flag is supposed to guard.
> os::Solaris::_mutex_lock is not initialized until the init_2 phase (after
> command line flag parsing).
> My suggested fix is to replace the current short-circuit of ThreadCritical
> with a flag set when the Solaris mutex code is initialized and thereby
> getting rid of the initialize function on all platforms.
> Additionally, ThreadCritical::release is unreachable code and from my
> research has never actually been called, we might as well get rid of it.
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mgerdin/8187040/webrev.0/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8187040
> Testing: JPRT
> Thanks
> /Mikael

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