RFR (L) JDK-8195100: Use a low latency hashtable for SymbolTable

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Wed Aug 1 18:55:32 UTC 2018

> On Aug 1, 2018, at 12:34 PM, Gerard Ziemski <gerard.ziemski at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Can you remove 101 and indent "public:" by one?   The single indentation is somewhat the convention.
> Which file is this in? I don’t see it.

I don’t think there’s any consensus on that; HotSpot code seems to be split about 60/40 1-indent vs no-indent.
I’ve been using no-indent for new code, and matching the surrounding style when modifying existing code.
I’ve also pushed back in reviews on otherwise unmotivated changes in either direction, to avoid unnecessary
change history clutter.

> p.s. Sorry about frames (or sdiffs) not working properly in the webrev - does anyone know what’s wrong?

Perhaps an old version of webrev?

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