RFR(S): 8208705: [TESTBUG] The -Xlog:cds, cds+hashtables vm option is not always required for appcds tests

Jiangli Zhou jiangli.zhou at oracle.com
Wed Aug 8 21:10:35 UTC 2018

Looks good!


On 8/8/18 12:21 PM, Calvin Cheung wrote:
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208705
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ccheung/8208705/webrev.00/
> This change is to only include the CDS logging option in the tests 
> which require it.
> There are 116 AppCDS tests on linux-x64 platform, only 13 tests 
> require this option.
> This change will reduce the amount of output from the tests which 
> don't require this option.
> Testing: tier 1/2/3.
> thanks,
> Calvin

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