RFR(S) 8208658: Make CDS archived heap regions usable even if compressed oop encoding has changed

Jiangli Zhou jiangli.zhou at oracle.com
Tue Aug 21 03:54:57 UTC 2018

Looks good. It would be good to ask someone in the GC team to also 
review the changes, especially the FileMapInfo::map_heap_regions_impl() 
code that maps the archived heap regions into the runtime java heap in 
the relocation case.



On 8/20/18 5:32 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> Hi Jiangli,
> Thanks for the review. I've updated the webrev at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk12/8208658-relocate-archived-heap-regions.v02/ 
> Delta from the last webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk12/8208658-relocate-archived-heap-regions.v02.delta/ 
> Please see comments below
> On 8/17/2018 11:49 AM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>> Hi Ioi,
>> Thanks a lot for the updated webrev! Please see some more 
>> comments/suggestions below.
>> - src/hotspot/share/memory/filemap.cpp
>>  195   if (MetaspaceShared::is_heap_object_archiving_allowed()) {
>>  196     _g1_reserved = G1CollectedHeap::heap()->g1_reserved();
>>  197   }
>> The above are G1 specific. It should be included under #if INCLUDE_G1GC.
> Fixed. I tested with "configure --with-jvm-features=-g1gc ...". I 
> ended up having to fix a couple of JFR files as well.
>>  881 MemRegion 
>> FileMapInfo::get_heap_regions_range_with_current_oop_encoding_mode() {
>> ...
>>  884
>>  885   for (int i = MetaspaceShared::first_string; i <= 
>> MetaspaceShared::last_valid_region; i++) {
>>  886     FileMapHeader::space_info* si = space_at(i);
>>  887     size_t size = si->_used;
>>  888     if (size > 0) {
>>  889       address s = 
>> si->start_address_with_current_oop_encoding_mode();
>>  890       address e = s + size;
>>  891       if (start > s) {
>>  892         start = s;
>>  893       }
>>  894       if (end < e) {
>>  895         end = e;
>>  896       }
>>  897     }
>>  898   }
>> We can record the ‘start’ and ‘end’ within the archive at dump time. 
>> At runtime, we only need to compute the addresses of the ‘start’ and 
>> ‘end’ using the current encoding mode without iterating all archived 
>> heap spaces. It’s a minor optimization, we can do that after current 
>> RFE if you prefer.
> I used to have a version like what you suggested. However, that means 
> I need to split the logic between dump time and run time, and you end 
> up with more code.  Since this code is not performance critical, I 
> think it's better to put it all in one place.
>> - src/hotspot/share/memory/filemap.hpp
>> 91   address _oopmap;               // bitmap for relocating embedded 
>> oops
>> Nit. ‘pointers’ seems to be a better word than ‘oops’ here.
> oopmap is actually a common terminology in HotSpot that means 'a map 
> of all the pointers to oop'
>> 316 MemRegion get_heap_regions_range_with_current_oop_encoding_mode();
>> Does the above needs NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN also?
> I don't know how to easily return an 'empty' ResourceBitMap. Since 
> this function is used only by the archived heap code, I moved its 
> declaration inside INCLUDE_CDS_JAVA_HEAP.
>> 524 class FindEmbeddedPointers: public BasicOopIterateClosure {
>> Please add some comments for the FindEmbeddedPointers closure. Since 
>> we iterate all objects inside the archived heap regions, we still can 
>> end up with the correct & complete bitmaps without follow the 
>> references within each archived object. BTW, can you please check and 
>> make sure NULL oop pointers are not on the bitmap so we don’t waste 
>> cycles at runtime.
> That's a good suggestion. I added code to filter out all the null 
> pointers. It turns out about 50% of the pointers in the open region 
> are NULL, so it's good saving. The new version is slightly faster than 
> the last version.
>> Please also add comments explaining it’s dump time only logic.
> Done.
>> 564 class PatchEmbeddedPointers: public BitMapClosure {
>> Some comments would be useful to explain it’s for runtime use.
> Done
>>  573 if (!CompressedOops::is_null(v)) {
>>  574       oop o = 
>> HeapShared::decode_with_archived_oop_encoding_mode(v);
>>  575       RawAccess<IS_NOT_NULL>::oop_store(p, o);
>>  576     }
>> So looks like we do include null in the bitmap? If we eliminate the 
>> nulls from the bitmap, the is_null check above can be avoided at 
>> runtime. It’s a very small optimization, but probably worth to consider?
> Fixed
>> - src/hotspot/share/oops/instanceMirrorKlass.hpp
>> 102   static void serialize(class SerializeClosure* f) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
>> To sync up with your recent change, the above can be renamed to 
>> serialize_offset.
> Fixed
>> - test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/appcds/cacheObject/DifferentHeapSizes.java
>> Could you please add the scenario that Calvin suggested:
>>         new Scenario(       32,         32, 64, 512, 2048, 4097, 
>> 16374, 31000)
> Added.
> Thanks
> - Ioi
>> Thanks,
>> Jiangli
>> On 8/14/18 7:27 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>> Here's an updated webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk12/8208658-relocate-archived-heap-regions.v01/ 
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk12/8208658-relocate-archived-heap-regions.v01/log.txt 
>>> [1] Incorporated many suggestions from Jiangli (Thanks!):
>>>     - Moved the patching code code to heapShared.cpp
>>>     - Added various comments and improved logging (see above log.txt 
>>> link)
>>>     - Added test cases for >32GB heaps.
>>> [2] Fixed the region relocation logic to avoid any GC code changes and
>>>     support all possible compressed oop encoding changes.
>>>     It turns out I don't need to force 8MB region size during dump 
>>> time.
>>>     I just need to align the bottom of the closed heap on G1 region
>>>     boundary. This will ensure that the open and close heap will never
>>>     occupy the same G1 region.
>>>     All test cases in DifferentHeapSizes.java can successfully
>>>     map the archived regions.
>>>     See FileMapInfo::map_heap_regions_impl
>>> [3] Generate a bitmap of all the pointers at dump time, and use this
>>>     for pointer patching at runtime. I can't find any measurable
>>>     improvements, but it should be at least as fast as the last
>>>     version (which used a BasicOopIterateClosure at runtime).
>>> [4] Various clean up, such as
>>>     struct FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::space_info* si = 
>>> &_header->_space[i];
>>>   ->
>>>     FileMapHeader::space_info* si = space_at(i);
>>> Testing: Passed hs tiers 1/2/3/4 with no new failures.
>>> Thanks
>>> - Ioi
>>> On 8/7/18 6:47 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>>>> On 8/7/18 3:38 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jiangli,
>>>>> Thanks for the review.
>>>>> On 8/7/18 9:25 AM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ioi,
>>>>>> This is a welcomed change! Thanks for doing this. I'd like to 
>>>>>> suggest building a relocation table at dump time. The table can 
>>>>>> contain entries with pair of 
>>>>>> 'offset_to_region_start:narrow_oop_value'. Then at runtime, we 
>>>>>> can avoid iterating the objects. That would help to reduce the 
>>>>>> overhead that you are observing when relocation is needed at 
>>>>>> runtime. This could be done as a further optimization in a 
>>>>>> follow-up RFE for 12.
>>>>> That's a good suggestion.  I'll try to do that as part of this 
>>>>> fix, by generating a bitmap of all the pointers that need to be 
>>>>> relocated. I will need one bit per 8 bytes of archived heap data, 
>>>>> so the (read-only) memory cost is pretty minimal.
>>>>>> - src/hotspot/share/memory/heapShared.inline.hpp
>>>>>> - src/hotspot/share/memory/heapShared.cpp
>>>>>>   33 inline oop HeapShared::decode_not_null(narrowOop v) {
>>>>>>   34   assert(!CompressedOops::is_null(v), "narrow oop value can 
>>>>>> never be zero");
>>>>>>   35   oop result = (oop)(void*)((uintptr_t)_narrow_oop_base + 
>>>>>> ((uintptr_t)v << _narrow_oop_shift));
>>>>>>   36   assert(check_obj_alignment(result), "address not aligned: 
>>>>>> " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i((void*) result));
>>>>>>   37   return result;
>>>>>>   38 }
>>>>>>  510 void HeapShared::init_narrow_oop_decoding(address base, int 
>>>>>> shift) {
>>>>>>  511   _narrow_oop_base = base;
>>>>>>  512   _narrow_oop_shift = shift;
>>>>>>  513 }
>>>>>> - src/hotspot/share/memory/filemap.cpp
>>>>>>  913     //   dumptime heap end  ------------v
>>>>>>  914     //   [      |archived heap regions| ] runtime heap end 
>>>>>> ------v
>>>>>>  915     //                                       [ |archived 
>>>>>> heap regions| ]
>>>>>>  916     // |<-----delta-------------------->|
>>>>>>  917     //
>>>>>>  918     // At dump time, the archived heap region were near the 
>>>>>> top of the heap.
>>>>>>  919     // At run time, that region may not be inside the heap, 
>>>>>> so we move it so
>>>>>>  920     // that it's now near the top of teh runtime time. This 
>>>>>> can be done by
>>>>>>  921     // the simple math of adding the delta as shown above.
>>>>>>  922     address dumptime_heap_end = 
>>>>>> (address)_header->_g1_reserved.end();
>>>>>>  923     address runtime_heap_end = 
>>>>>> (address)G1CollectedHeap::heap()->g1_reserved().end();
>>>>>>  924     delta = runtime_heap_end - dumptime_heap_end;
>>>>>>  925   }
>>>>>>  926
>>>>>>  927 HeapShared::init_narrow_oop_decoding(narrow_oop_base() + 
>>>>>> delta, narrow_oop_shift());
>>>>>> 1051 class RelocateInternalPointers: public BasicOopIterateClosure {
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> 1056   virtual void do_oop(narrowOop *p) {
>>>>>> 1057     narrowOop v = *p;
>>>>>> 1058     if (!CompressedOops::is_null(v)) {
>>>>>> 1059       oop o = HeapShared::decode_not_null(v);
>>>>>> 1060       RawAccess<IS_NOT_NULL>::oop_store(p, o);
>>>>>> 1061     }
>>>>>> 1062   }
>>>>>> Your relocation change boils down to above sections of code. It 
>>>>>> works as both UnscaledNarrowOop encoding and ZeroBasedNarrowOop 
>>>>>> encoding use 0 as the base. I believe we don't handle heap based 
>>>>>> encoding with CDS enabled. Can you please double check that.
>>>>> It actually does work. See
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk12/8208658-relocate-archived-heap-regions.v00/log.txt 
>>>>> Command line: 
>>>>> [/home/iklam/jdk/bld/abe-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java ... 
>>>>> -Xmx31000m -XX:+UseStringDeduplication Hello ]
>>>>> [STDOUT]
>>>>> [0.092s][info][cds] Archived narrow_klass_base = 
>>>>> 0x0000000800000000, narrow_klass_shift = 3
>>>>> [0.092s][info][cds] Archived narrow_oop_mode = 0, narrow_oop_base 
>>>>> = 0x0000000000000000, narrow_oop_shift = 0
>>>>> [0.092s][info][cds] CDS heap data need to be relocated because
>>>>> [0.092s][info][cds] the archive was created with an incompatible 
>>>>> heap size: 128M.
>>>>> [0.092s][info][cds] Current narrow_oop_mode = 2, narrow_oop_base = 
>>>>> 0x0000001000000000, narrow_oop_shift = 3
>>>>> Hello World
>>>>>> The new HeapShared::decode_not_null() decodes the narrowOop value 
>>>>>> using the dump time encoding mode with added base delta. Can you 
>>>>>> please rename it to be more descriptive, for example 
>>>>>> HeapShared::decode_with_archived_encoding_mode()? Please also add 
>>>>>> some comments to include these detail for this function.
>>>>> OK, I will fix that.
>>>>>> - src/hotspot/share/memory/filemap.cpp
>>>>>>  886   if (narrow_klass_base() != Universe::narrow_klass_base() ||
>>>>>>  887       narrow_klass_shift() != Universe::narrow_klass_shift()) {
>>>>>>  888     log_info(cds)("Cached heap data from the CDS archive 
>>>>>> need to be relocated because");
>>>>>>  889     log_info(cds)("the CDS archive was created with an 
>>>>>> incompatible heap size: " UINTX_FORMAT "M.", max_heap_size()/M);
>>>>>>  890     log_info(cds)("Current narrow_klass_base = " PTR_FORMAT 
>>>>>> ", narrow_klass_shift = %d",
>>>>>>  891 p2i(Universe::narrow_klass_base()), 
>>>>>> Universe::narrow_klass_shift());
>>>>>>  892     return;
>>>>>>  893   }
>>>>>> Please fix the log message at 888 as relocation is not done in 
>>>>>> above case.
>>>>> Oops, it should have been "Cached heap data from the CDS archive 
>>>>> cannot be used because", but I messed up with copy-pasting.
>>>>>> Please move the code at line 895 - 898 to be before the above 
>>>>>> code, so we still have the logging information about the dump 
>>>>>> time encoding modes when runtime narrow_klass_encoding is 
>>>>>> different. The dump time encoding modes are useful debugging 
>>>>>> information.
>>>>> OK. Will do.
>>>>>> 1039 void FileMapInfo::relocate_archived_heap_embedded_pointers()
>>>>>> 1051 class RelocateInternalPointers: public BasicOopIterateClosure
>>>>>> 1068 void FileMapInfo::relocate_archived_heap_embedded_pointers_impl
>>>>>> Could you please place above new code blocks in heapShared.* 
>>>>>> files? I filed JDK-8206009 to move all heap object archiving code 
>>>>>> to heapShared.*. It's helpful to make sure the related new code 
>>>>>> goes to the right files before we completely resolve existing 
>>>>>> code for JDK-8206009.
>>>>> OK. Will do.
>>>>>> - src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/heapRegion.cpp
>>>>>> Can you please check the percentage of unused region space if we 
>>>>>> force 8M gc region at dump time? The unused spaces in the 
>>>>>> archived heap regions are filled with dummy objects at runtime 
>>>>>> and cannot be utilized.
>>>>> At runtime, the region size is chosen according to -Xmx. The 
>>>>> amount of waste (filled by dummy objects) is related only to the 
>>>>> runtime region size. It's not related to the region size chosen at 
>>>>> dump time.
>>>> Yes, the heap memory waste is more related with the runtime GC 
>>>> region size.
>>>> The other side effect of forcing hard coded 8M GC region at dump 
>>>> time is that you might have archived objects across the region 
>>>> boundary at runtime when the runtime GC region size is less than 
>>>> 8M. When that happens, you would need to invalidate all archived 
>>>> java heap data. Also, you need to detect such cases, which adds 
>>>> additional overhead. However, my memory tells me that we allocate 
>>>> archived objects at 2M boundary within a GC region regardless the 
>>>> region size at dump time to make sure we don't ever run into cases 
>>>> with objects across boundary when runtime and dump have different 
>>>> GC region sizes. I need to double check on that to make sure it is 
>>>> the case.
>>>>> So in this regard, this patch does not increase the amount of 
>>>>> runtime memory waste.
>>>>>> It would also introduce gaps between the archived heap regions at 
>>>>>> runtime when the GC region size is < 8M with smaller heap size.
>>>>> Yes, this is an issue for small heaps. Previously, without my 
>>>>> patch, if you run with
>>>>>     java -Xshare:dump -Xmx128m
>>>>>     java -Xshare:on -Xmx128m
>>>>> the open and closed archive regions will in two consecutive 1MB 
>>>>> regions.
>>>>> With my patch, there will be a gap of 7MB between the 2 regions 
>>>>> (each as still 1MB in size). This means if you run with very small 
>>>>> heaps with CDS, you may not be able to allocate very large arrays.
>>>>>> We should check with GC team on this and see if there are other 
>>>>>> alternatives to resolve the overlapping issue. One possible 
>>>>>> solution I think is to relocate the 'open' archive heap region 
>>>>>> further down at runtime if the 'open' and 'closed' archive 
>>>>>> regions are in the same G1 region at runtime.
>>>>> I'll try implement what you described above (in a separate RFE). 
>>>>> This will make runtime relocation a little slower, but hopefully 
>>>>> that will just be noise, and I won't need to make any change in G1.
>>>> We just need to make sure the open archive regions are allocated 
>>>> outside the GC region used for the closed archive regions. It 
>>>> should not add additional overhead for object relocation. However, 
>>>> it does add complexity to the relocation implementation as you 
>>>> would have different base deltas.
>>>>> For this RFE, I will revert the changes in heapRegion.cpp. This 
>>>>> means in some cases, we won't be able to map the archived regions:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk12/8208658-relocate-archived-heap-regions.v00/log2.txt 
>>>>> Note that 2 out of 26 cases fail to map the heap regions with 
>>>>> "Unable to allocate region, java heap range is already in use",
>>>>> but it's still works for the majority of the cases, so it still 
>>>>> much better than what we have today
>>>> That's a reasonable trade-off. Seems acceptable to me.
>>>>>> - 
>>>>>> test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/appcds/cacheObject/DifferentHeapSizes.java 
>>>>>> Looks good! How about adding some scenarios with heap size > 32G 
>>>>>> as sanity checks.
>>>>> Will do, but with heap size > 32G CDS will be disabled because 
>>>>> compressed oop is disabled.
>>>> Yes. I think we don't have any existing test cases with >32G. So 
>>>> it's good to add it for sanity check.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jiangli
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> - Ioi
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Jiangli
>>>>>> On 8/1/18 11:04 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208658
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk12/8208658-relocate-archived-heap-regions.v00/ 
>>>>>>> PROBLEM:
>>>>>>>     At runtime, if you use a maximum heap size (-Xmx) setting 
>>>>>>> that's
>>>>>>>     different than the one used at CDS archive creation time, 
>>>>>>> the archived
>>>>>>>     heap regions may fail to map. The reason is the archived 
>>>>>>> heap regions
>>>>>>>     are hard-coded to a specific compressed oop encoding scheme.
>>>>>>>     This causes degradation in start-up time, because the 
>>>>>>> archived heap
>>>>>>>     regions enable many aggressive optimizations, such as 
>>>>>>> JDK-8202035,
>>>>>>>     archiving the system module info.
>>>>>>>     This degradation is undesirable for JDK-8204247 (include 
>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>     CDS archive in JDK binary) -- what we want is to ship a CDS 
>>>>>>> archive
>>>>>>>     that's optimal regardless of the max heap settings.
>>>>>>> FIX:
>>>>>>>     If the compressed oop encoding scheme is different:
>>>>>>>         - relocate the archived heap regions so it
>>>>>>>           fits within the runtime heap bounds.
>>>>>>>         - patch all reference fields in the archived objects to
>>>>>>>           use the runtime compressed oop encoding scheme.
>>>>>>> RESULTS:
>>>>>>>     # dump archive
>>>>>>>     java -Xshare:dump -Xmx2000m
>>>>>>>     # same compressed oop encoding
>>>>>>>     java -Xshare:on -Xmx2000m -Xlog:cds -version
>>>>>>>     # different compressed oop encoding
>>>>>>>     java -Xshare:on -Xmx2090m -Xlog:cds -version
>>>>>>>     Note: the archive is dumped with UnscaledNarrowOop encoding.
>>>>>>>     At run time, if -Xmx2090m is specified, ZeroBasedNarrowOop is
>>>>>>>     used instead.
>>>>>>> ======================================================================== 
>>>>>>>     OLD same encoding      34.45 ms +- 0.51%
>>>>>>>     OLD diff encoding      47.76 ms +- 0.94% <<<<< 13.3 ms 
>>>>>>> degradation!
>>>>>>>     NEW same encoding      34.58 ms +- 0.61%
>>>>>>>     NEW diff encoding      35.09 ms +- 0.24% <<<<< 0.5 ms 
>>>>>>> degradation
>>>>>>> ======================================================================== 
>>>>>>>     The cost of relocating/patching the archived heap regions is 
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>     0.5 ms. This is much better than the 13.3 ms degradation 
>>>>>>> caused by the
>>>>>>>     failure to map the archived heap regions.
>>>>>>> TESTING:
>>>>>>>     All 150+ CDS tests passed locally. I am starting tiers 1/2/3 
>>>>>>> runs.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> - Ioi

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