RFR(S): 8205609: [PPC64] Fix PPC64 part of 8010319 and TLH without UseSIGTRAP on AIX

Doerr, Martin martin.doerr at sap.com
Mon Jun 25 14:34:30 UTC 2018


I'd like to fix issues with the current PPC64 implementation:

  *   Wrong register usage in template interpreter after JDK-8010319.
  *   SafepointMechanism implementation for AIX misses the protection of the bad page (ThreadLocalHandshakes with -XX:-UseSIGTRAP). I prefer to implement it using 2 pages like on the other platforms.
  *   Remove unused function which is obsolete since the introduction of ThreadLocalHanshakes.

Please review:

Thanks and best regards,

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