RFR (XXS): 8199356: Fix hotspot to allow stdlib to use libc++ and to allow changing the deployment target to 10.9

Gerard Ziemski gerard.ziemski at oracle.com
Tue Mar 13 15:53:49 UTC 2018

Hi all,

Please review this very small patch that will prepare hotspot for the new Xcode compiler. This is a part of a larger effort tracked by the umbrella issue https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8196724, and will only tackle what we are required to do in hotspot project.

Specifically, here we need to remove the poisoning min/max definition that clashes with standard c++ includes used by hotspot gtests suite.

JDK-8196724, on the other hand, will track the actual flipping of switching the deployment target to OS X 10.9 and changing the std lib from stdlibc++ to libc++

There are other projects, besides hotspot, that need to be updated before JDK-8196724 can be finished, but once this and JDK-8196724 are done, then the OS X platform will be c++14 capable.


Passes Mach5 tier1-5


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