RFR: 8220724: TestBiasedLockRevocationEvents fails while matching revoke events to VMOperation events

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri May 3 02:42:35 UTC 2019

Hi Patricio,

On 3/05/2019 4:48 am, Patricio Chilano wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you review this small patch?
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8220724
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pchilanomate/8220724/v01/webrev/

Basic approach is good. However as VM_BulkRevokeBias inherits from 
VM_RevokeBias you don't need to duplicate all this _safepoint_id stuff:

  578   uint64_t _safepoint_id;
  587     , _safepoint_id(0) {}
  598   uint64_t safepoint_id() const {
  599     return _safepoint_id;
  600   }

Also please update copyright year.


> The subtest testRevocationSafepointIdCorrelation() in 
> TestBiasedLockRevocationEvents.java fails intermittently because there 
> could be a mismatch between the safepoint id recorded by the VMThread 
> during the execution of a VM_RevokeBias or VM_BulkRevokeBias operation, 
> and the one recorded by the JavaThread that requested the VM operation. 
> I added a more detailed description of the problem in the comments of 
> the bug.
> Testing tiers1-3 in mach5 and test TestBiasedLockRevocationEvents.java 
> with flag -XX:+SafepointALot.
> Thanks!
> Patricio

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