RFR(L) 8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints (CR8/v2.08/11-for-jdk14)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Mon Nov 18 13:50:50 UTC 2019



On 11/17/19 11:13 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> No further comments from me at this stage.
> Thanks,
> David
> On 5/11/2019 7:03 am, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I have made changes to the Async Monitor Deflation code in response to
>> the CR7/v2.07/10-for-jdk14 code review cycle. Thanks to David H., Robbin
>> and Erik O. for their comments!
>> JDK14 Rampdown phase one is coming on Dec. 12, 2019 and the Async 
>> Monitor
>> Deflation project needs to push before Nov. 12, 2019 in order to allow
>> for sufficient bake time for such a big change. Nov. 12 is _next_ 
>> Tuesday
>> so we have 8 days from today to finish this code review cycle and push
>> this code for JDK14.
>> Carsten and Roman! Time for you guys to chime in again on the code 
>> reviews.
>> I have attached the change list from CR7 to CR8 instead of putting it in
>> the body of this email. I've also added a link to the CR7-to-CR8-changes
>> file to the webrevs so it should be easy to find.
>> Main bug URL:
>>      JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>      https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>> The project is currently baselined on jdk-14+21.
>> Here's the full webrev URL for those folks that want to see all of the
>> current Async Monitor Deflation code in one go (v2.08 full):
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/11-for-jdk14.v2.08.full 
>> Some folks might want to see just what has changed since the last review
>> cycle so here's a webrev for that (v2.08 inc):
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/11-for-jdk14.v2.08.inc/ 
>> The OpenJDK wiki did not need any changes for this round:
>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation
>> The jdk-14+21 based v2.08 version of the patch has been thru Mach5 
>> tier[1-8]
>> testing on Oracle's usual set of platforms. It has also been through 
>> my usual
>> set of stress testing on Linux-X64, macOSX and Solaris-X64 with the 
>> addition
>> of Robbin's "MoCrazy 1024" test running in parallel with the other 
>> tests in
>> my lab. Some testing is still running, but so far there are no new 
>> regressions.
>> I have not yet done a SPECjbb2015 round on the CR8/v2.08/11-for-jdk14 
>> bits.
>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>> Dan
>> On 10/17/19 5:50 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> The Async Monitor Deflation project is reaching the end game. I have no
>>> changes planned for the project at this time so all that is left is 
>>> code
>>> review and any changes that results from those reviews.
>>> Carsten and Roman! Time for you guys to chime in again on the code 
>>> reviews.
>>> I have attached the list of fixes from CR6 to CR7 instead of putting it
>>> in the main body of this email.
>>> Main bug URL:
>>>     JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>>> The project is currently baselined on jdk-14+19.
>>> Here's the full webrev URL for those folks that want to see all of the
>>> current Async Monitor Deflation code in one go (v2.07 full):
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/10-for-jdk14.v2.07.full 
>>> Some folks might want to see just what has changed since the last 
>>> review
>>> cycle so here's a webrev for that (v2.07 inc):
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/10-for-jdk14.v2.07.inc/ 
>>> The OpenJDK wiki has been updated to match the 
>>> CR7/v2.07/10-for-jdk14 changes:
>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation
>>> The jdk-14+18 based v2.07 version of the patch has been thru Mach5 
>>> tier[1-8]
>>> testing on Oracle's usual set of platforms. It has also been through 
>>> my usual
>>> set of stress testing on Linux-X64, macOSX and Solaris-X64 with the 
>>> addition
>>> of Robbin's "MoCrazy 1024" test running in parallel with the other 
>>> tests in
>>> my lab.
>>> The jdk-14+19 based v2.07 version of the patch has been thru Mach5 
>>> tier[1-3]
>>> test on Oracle's usual set of platforms. Mach5 tier[4-8] are in 
>>> process.
>>> I did another round of SPECjbb2015 testing in Oracle's Aurora 
>>> Performance lab
>>> using using their tuned SPECjbb2015 Linux-X64 G1 configs:
>>>     - "base" is jdk-14+18
>>>     - "v2.07" is the latest version and includes C2 
>>> inc_om_ref_count() support
>>>       on LP64 X64 and the new HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors option
>>>     - "off" is with -XX:-AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors specified
>>>     - "handshake" is with -XX:+HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors 
>>> specified
>>>          hbIR           hbIR
>>>     (max attempted)  (settled)  max-jOPS  critical-jOPS runtime
>>>     ---------------  ---------  --------  ------------- -------
>>>            34282.00   30635.90  28831.30       20969.20 3841.30 base
>>>            34282.00   30973.00  29345.80       21025.20 3964.10 v2.07
>>>            34282.00   31105.60  29174.30       21074.00 3931.30 
>>> v2.07_handshake
>>>            34282.00   30789.70  27151.60       19839.10 3850.20 
>>> v2.07_off
>>>     - The Aurora Perf comparison tool reports:
>>>         Comparison              max-jOPS critical-jOPS
>>>         ----------------------  -------------------- 
>>> --------------------
>>>         base vs 2.07            +1.78% (s, p=0.000)   +0.27% (ns, 
>>> p=0.790)
>>>         base vs 2.07_handshake  +1.19% (s, p=0.007)   +0.58% (ns, 
>>> p=0.536)
>>>         base vs 2.07_off        -5.83% (ns, p=0.394)  -5.39% (ns, 
>>> p=0.347)
>>>         (s) - significant  (ns) - not-significant
>>>     - For historical comparison, the Aurora Perf comparision tool
>>>         reported for v2.06 with a baseline of jdk-13+31:
>>>         Comparison              max-jOPS critical-jOPS
>>>         ----------------------  -------------------- 
>>> --------------------
>>>         base vs 2.06            -0.32% (ns, p=0.345)  +0.71% (ns, 
>>> p=0.646)
>>>         base vs 2.06_off        +0.49% (ns, p=0.292)  -1.21% (ns, 
>>> p=0.481)
>>>         (s) - significant  (ns) - not-significant
>>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>>> Dan
>>> On 8/28/19 5:02 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> The Async Monitor Deflation project has rebased to JDK14 so it's time
>>>> for our first code review in that new context!!
>>>> I've been focused on changing the monitor list management code to be
>>>> lock-free in order to make SPECjbb2015 happier. Of course with a 
>>>> change
>>>> like that, it takes a while to chase down all the new and wonderful
>>>> races. At this point, I have the code back to the same stability that
>>>> I had with CR5/v2.05/8-for-jdk13.
>>>> To lay the ground work for this round of review, I pushed the 
>>>> following
>>>> two fixes to jdk/jdk earlier today:
>>>>     JDK-8230184 rename, whitespace, indent and comments changes in 
>>>> preparation
>>>>                 for lock free Monitor lists
>>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230184
>>>>     JDK-8230317 serviceability/sa/ClhsdbPrintStatics.java fails 
>>>> after 8230184
>>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230317
>>>> I have attached the list of fixes from CR5 to CR6 instead of putting
>>>> in the main body of this email.
>>>> Main bug URL:
>>>>     JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>>>> The project is currently baselined on jdk-14+11 plus the fixes for
>>>> JDK-8230184 and JDK-8230317.
>>>> Here's the full webrev URL for those folks that want to see all of the
>>>> current Async Monitor Deflation code in one go (v2.06 full):
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/9-for-jdk14.v2.06.full/ 
>>>> The primary focus of this review cycle is on the lock-free Monitor 
>>>> List
>>>> management changes so here's a webrev for just that patch (v2.06c):
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/9-for-jdk14.v2.06c.inc/ 
>>>> The secondary focus of this review cycle is on the bug fixes that have
>>>> been made since CR5/v2.05/8-for-jdk13 so here's a webrev for just that
>>>> patch (v2.06b):
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/9-for-jdk14.v2.06b.inc/ 
>>>> The third and final bucket for this review cycle is the rename, 
>>>> whitespace,
>>>> indent and comments changes made in preparation for lock free 
>>>> Monitor list
>>>> management. Almost all of that was extracted into JDK-8230184 for the
>>>> baseline so this bucket now has just a few comment changes relative to
>>>> CR5/v2.05/8-for-jdk13. Here's a webrev for the remainder (v2.06a):
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/9-for-jdk14.v2.06a.inc/ 
>>>> Some folks might want to see just what has changed since the last 
>>>> review
>>>> cycle so here's a webrev for that (v2.06 inc):
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/9-for-jdk14.v2.06.inc/ 
>>>> Last, but not least, some folks might want to see the code before the
>>>> addition of lock-free Monitor List management so here's a webrev for
>>>> that (v2.00 -> v2.05):
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/9-for-jdk14.v2.05.inc/ 
>>>> The OpenJDK wiki will need minor updates to match the CR6 changes:
>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation
>>>> but that should only be changes to describe per-thread list async 
>>>> monitor
>>>> deflation being done by the ServiceThread.
>>>> (I did update the OpenJDK wiki for the CR5 changes back on 2019.08.14)
>>>> This version of the patch has been thru Mach5 tier[1-8] testing on
>>>> Oracle's usual set of platforms. It has also been through my usual set
>>>> of stress testing on Linux-X64, macOSX and Solaris-X64.
>>>> I did a bunch of SPECjbb2015 testing in Oracle's Aurora Performance 
>>>> lab
>>>> using using their tuned SPECjbb2015 Linux-X64 G1 configs. This was 
>>>> using
>>>> this patch baselined on jdk-13+31 (for stability):
>>>>           hbIR           hbIR
>>>>      (max attempted)  (settled)  max-jOPS  critical-jOPS runtime
>>>>      ---------------  ---------  --------  ------------- -------
>>>>             34282.00   28837.20  27905.20       19817.40 3658.10 base
>>>>             34965.70   29798.80  27814.90       19959.00 3514.60 
>>>> v2.06d
>>>>             34282.00   29100.70  28042.50       19577.00 3701.90 
>>>> v2.06d_off
>>>>             34282.00   29218.50  27562.80       19397.30 3657.60 
>>>> v2.06d_ocache
>>>>             34965.70   29838.30  26512.40       19170.60 3569.90 v2.05
>>>>             34282.00   28926.10  27734.00       19835.10 3588.40 
>>>> v2.05_off
>>>> The "off" configs are with -XX:-AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors specified and
>>>> the "ocache" config is with 128 byte cache line sizes instead of 64 
>>>> byte
>>>> cache lines sizes. "v2.06d" is the last set of changes that I made 
>>>> before
>>>> those changes were distributed into the "v2.06a", "v2.06b" and 
>>>> "v2.06c"
>>>> buckets for this review recycle.
>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>>>> Dan
>>>> On 7/11/19 3:49 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>> I've been focused on chasing down and fixing the rare test failures
>>>>> that only pop up rarely. So this round is primarily fixes for races
>>>>> with a few additional fixes that came from Karen's review of CR4.
>>>>> Thanks Karen!
>>>>> I have attached the list of fixes from CR4 to CR5 instead of putting
>>>>> in the main body of this email.
>>>>> Main bug URL:
>>>>>     JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>>>>> The project is currently baselined on jdk-13+29. This will likely be
>>>>> the last JDK13 baseline for this project and I'll roll to the JDK14
>>>>> (jdk/jdk) repo soon...
>>>>> Here's the full webrev URL:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/8-for-jdk13.full/
>>>>> Here's the incremental webrev URL:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/8-for-jdk13.inc/
>>>>> I have not yet checked the OpenJDK wiki to see if it needs any 
>>>>> updates
>>>>> to match the CR5 changes:
>>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation
>>>>> (I did update the OpenJDK wiki for the CR4 changes back on 
>>>>> 2019.06.26)
>>>>> This version of the patch has been thru Mach5 tier[1-3] testing on
>>>>> Oracle's usual set of platforms. Mach5 tier[4-6] is running now and
>>>>> Mach5 tier[78] will follow. I'll kick off the usual stress testing
>>>>> on Linux-X64, macOSX and Solaris-X64 as those machines become 
>>>>> available.
>>>>> Since I haven't made any performance changes in this round, I'll only
>>>>> be running SPECjbb2015 to gather the latest monitorinflation logs.
>>>>> Next up:
>>>>> - We're still seeing 4-5% lower performance with SPECjbb2015 on
>>>>>   Linux-X64 and we've determined that some of that comes from
>>>>>   contention on the gListLock. So I'm going to investigate removing
>>>>>   the gListLock. Yes, another lock free set of changes is coming!
>>>>> - Of course, going lock free often causes new races and new failures
>>>>>   so that's a good reason for make those changes isolated in their
>>>>>   own round (and not holding up CR5/v2.05/8-for-jdk13 anymore).
>>>>> - I finally have a potential fix for the Win* failure with
>>>>>     gc/g1/humongousObjects/TestHumongousClassLoader.java
>>>>>   but I haven't run it through Mach5 yet so it'll be in the next 
>>>>> round.
>>>>> - Some RTM tests were recently re-enabled in Mach5 and I'm seeing 
>>>>> some
>>>>>   monitor related failures there. I suspect that I need to go take a
>>>>>   look at the C2 RTM macro assembler code and look for things that 
>>>>> might
>>>>>   conflict if Async Monitor Deflation. If you're interested in 
>>>>> that kind
>>>>>   of issue, then see the macroAssembler_x86.cpp sanity check that I
>>>>>   added in this round!
>>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>>>>> Dan
>>>>> On 5/26/19 8:30 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>> I have a fix for an issue that came up during performance testing.
>>>>>> Many thanks to Robbin for diagnosing the issue in his SPECjbb2015
>>>>>> experiments.
>>>>>> Here's the list of changes from CR3 to CR4. The list is a bit
>>>>>> verbose due to the complexity of the issue, but the changes
>>>>>> themselves are not that big.
>>>>>> Functional:
>>>>>>   - Change SafepointSynchronize::is_cleanup_needed() from calling
>>>>>>     ObjectSynchronizer::is_cleanup_needed() to calling
>>>>>>     ObjectSynchronizer::is_safepoint_deflation_needed():
>>>>>>     - is_safepoint_deflation_needed() returns the result of
>>>>>>       monitors_used_above_threshold() for safepoint based
>>>>>>       monitor deflation (!AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors).
>>>>>>     - For AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors, it only returns true if
>>>>>>       there is a special deflation request, e.g., System.gc()
>>>>>>       - This solves a bug where there are a bunch of Cleanup
>>>>>>         safepoints that simply request async deflation which
>>>>>>         keeps the async JavaThreads from making progress on
>>>>>>         their async deflation work.
>>>>>>   - Add AsyncDeflationInterval diagnostic option. Description:
>>>>>>       Async deflate idle monitors every so many milliseconds when
>>>>>>       MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold is exceeded (0 is off).
>>>>>>   - Replace ObjectSynchronizer::gOmShouldDeflateIdleMonitors() with
>>>>>>     ObjectSynchronizer::is_async_deflation_needed():
>>>>>>     - is_async_deflation_needed() returns true when
>>>>>>       is_async_cleanup_requested() is true or when
>>>>>>       monitors_used_above_threshold() is true (but no more often 
>>>>>> than
>>>>>>       AsyncDeflationInterval).
>>>>>>     - if AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors Service_lock->wait() now waits for
>>>>>>       at most GuaranteedSafepointInterval millis:
>>>>>>       - This allows is_async_deflation_needed() to be checked at
>>>>>>         the same interval as GuaranteedSafepointInterval.
>>>>>>         (default is 1000 millis/1 second)
>>>>>>       - Once is_async_deflation_needed() has returned true, it
>>>>>>         generally cannot return true for AsyncDeflationInterval.
>>>>>>         This is to prevent async deflation from swamping the
>>>>>>         ServiceThread.
>>>>>>   - The ServiceThread still handles async deflation of the global
>>>>>>     in-use list and now it also marks JavaThreads for async 
>>>>>> deflation
>>>>>>     of their in-use lists.
>>>>>>     - The ServiceThread will check for async deflation work every
>>>>>>       GuaranteedSafepointInterval.
>>>>>>     - A safepoint can still cause the ServiceThread to check for
>>>>>>       async deflation work via is_async_deflation_requested.
>>>>>>   - Refactor code from ObjectSynchronizer::is_cleanup_needed() into
>>>>>>     monitors_used_above_threshold() and remove is_cleanup_needed().
>>>>>>   - In addition to System.gc(), the VM_Exit VM op and the final
>>>>>>     VMThread safepoint now set the is_special_deflation_requested
>>>>>>     flag to reduce the in-use monitor population that is reported by
>>>>>>     ObjectSynchronizer::log_in_use_monitor_details() at VM exit.
>>>>>> Test update:
>>>>>>   - test/hotspot/gtest/oops/test_markOop.cpp is updated to work with
>>>>>>     AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors.
>>>>>> Collateral:
>>>>>>   - Add/clarify/update some logging messages.
>>>>>> Cleanup:
>>>>>>   - Updated comments based on Karen's code review.
>>>>>>   - Change 'special cleanup' -> 'special deflation' and
>>>>>>     'async cleanup' -> 'async deflation'.
>>>>>>     - comment and function name changes
>>>>>>   - Clarify MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold description;
>>>>>> Main bug URL:
>>>>>>     JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>>>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>>>>>> The project is currently baselined on jdk-13+22.
>>>>>> Here's the full webrev URL:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/7-for-jdk13.full/
>>>>>> Here's the incremental webrev URL:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/7-for-jdk13.inc/
>>>>>> I have not updated the OpenJDK wiki to reflect the CR4 changes:
>>>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation 
>>>>>> The wiki doesn't say a whole lot about the async deflation 
>>>>>> invocation
>>>>>> mechanism so I have to figure out how to add that content.
>>>>>> This version of the patch has been thru Mach5 tier[1-8] testing on
>>>>>> Oracle's usual set of platforms. My Solaris-X64 stress kit run is
>>>>>> running now. Kitchensink8H on product, fastdebug, and slowdebug bits
>>>>>> are running on Linux-X64, MacOSX and Solaris-X64. I still have to 
>>>>>> run
>>>>>> my stress kit on Linux-X64. I still have to run the SPECjbb2015
>>>>>> baseline and CR4 runs on Linux-X64, MacOSX and Solaris-X64.
>>>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>> On 5/6/19 11:52 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>>> I had some discussions with Karen about a race that was in the
>>>>>>> ObjectMonitor::enter() code in CR2/v2.02/5-for-jdk13. This race was
>>>>>>> theoretical and I had no test failures due to it. The fix is pretty
>>>>>>> simple: remove the special case code for async deflation in the
>>>>>>> ObjectMonitor::enter() function and rely solely on the ref_count
>>>>>>> for ObjectMonitor::enter() protection.
>>>>>>> During those discussions Karen also floated the idea of using the
>>>>>>> ref_count field instead of the contentions field for the Async
>>>>>>> Monitor Deflation protocol. I decided to go ahead and code up that
>>>>>>> change and I have run it through the usual stress and Mach5 testing
>>>>>>> with no issues. It's also known as v2.03 (for those for with the
>>>>>>> patches) and as webrev/6-for-jdk13 (for those with webrev URLs).
>>>>>>> Sorry for all the names...
>>>>>>> Main bug URL:
>>>>>>>     JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>>>>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>>>>>>> The project is currently baselined on jdk-13+18.
>>>>>>> Here's the full webrev URL:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/6-for-jdk13.full/
>>>>>>> Here's the incremental webrev URL:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/6-for-jdk13.inc/
>>>>>>> I have also updated the OpenJDK wiki to reflect the CR3 changes:
>>>>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation 
>>>>>>> This version of the patch has been thru Mach5 tier[1-8] testing on
>>>>>>> Oracle's usual set of platforms. My Solaris-X64 stress kit run had
>>>>>>> no issues. Kitchensink8H on product, fastdebug, and slowdebug bits
>>>>>>> had no failures on Linux-X64; MacOSX fastdebug and slowdebug and
>>>>>>> Solaris-X64 release had the usual "Too large time diff" complaints.
>>>>>>> 12 hour Inflate2 runs on product, fastdebug and slowdebug bits on
>>>>>>> Linux-X64, MacOSX and Solaris-X64 had no failures. My Linux-X64
>>>>>>> stress kit is running right now.
>>>>>>> I've done the SPECjbb2015 baseline and CR3 runs. I need to gather
>>>>>>> the results and analyze them.
>>>>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>> On 4/25/19 12:38 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>>>> I have a small but important bug fix for the Async Monitor 
>>>>>>>> Deflation
>>>>>>>> project ready to go. It's also known as v2.02 (for those for 
>>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>>> patches) and as webrev/5-for-jdk13 (for those with webrev 
>>>>>>>> URLs). Sorry
>>>>>>>> for all the names...
>>>>>>>> JDK-8222295 was pushed to jdk/jdk two days ago so that baseline 
>>>>>>>> patch
>>>>>>>> is out of our hair.
>>>>>>>> Main bug URL:
>>>>>>>>     JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>>>>>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>>>>>>>> The project is currently baselined on jdk-13+17.
>>>>>>>> Here's the full webrev URL:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/5-for-jdk13.full/ 
>>>>>>>> Here's the incremental webrev URL (JDK-8153224):
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/5-for-jdk13.inc/
>>>>>>>> I still have to update the OpenJDK wiki to reflect the CR2 
>>>>>>>> changes:
>>>>>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation 
>>>>>>>> This version of the patch has been thru Mach5 tier[1-6] testing on
>>>>>>>> Oracle's usual set of platforms. Mach5 tier[7-8] is running now.
>>>>>>>> My stress kit is running on Solaris-X64 now. Kitchensink8H is 
>>>>>>>> running
>>>>>>>> now on product, fastdebug, and slowdebug bits on Linux-X64, MacOSX
>>>>>>>> and Solaris-X64. 12 hour Inflate2 runs are running now on product,
>>>>>>>> fastdebug and slowdebug bits on Linux-X64, MacOSX and Solaris-X64.
>>>>>>>> I'll start my my stress kit on Linux-X64 sometime on Sunday (after
>>>>>>>> my jdk-13+18 stress run is done).
>>>>>>>> I'll do SPECjbb2015 baseline and CR2 runs after all the stress
>>>>>>>> testing is done.
>>>>>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>> On 4/19/19 11:58 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>>>>> I finally have CR1 for the Async Monitor Deflation project 
>>>>>>>>> ready to
>>>>>>>>> go. It's also known as v2.01 (for those for with the patches) 
>>>>>>>>> and as
>>>>>>>>> webrev/4-for-jdk13 (for those with webrev URLs). Sorry for all 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> names...
>>>>>>>>> Main bug URL:
>>>>>>>>>     JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>>>>>>>>> Baseline bug fixes URL:
>>>>>>>>>     JDK-8222295 more baseline cleanups from Async Monitor 
>>>>>>>>> Deflation project
>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8222295
>>>>>>>>> The project is currently baselined on jdk-13+15.
>>>>>>>>> Here's the webrev for the latest baseline changes (JDK-8222295):
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/4-for-jdk13.8222295 
>>>>>>>>> Here's the full webrev URL (JDK-8153224 only):
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/4-for-jdk13.full/ 
>>>>>>>>> Here's the incremental webrev URL (JDK-8153224):
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/4-for-jdk13.inc/ 
>>>>>>>>> So I'm looking for reviews for both JDK-8222295 and the latest 
>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>> of JDK-8153224...
>>>>>>>>> I still have to update the OpenJDK wiki to reflect the CR 
>>>>>>>>> changes:
>>>>>>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation 
>>>>>>>>> This version of the patch has been thru Mach5 tier[1-3] 
>>>>>>>>> testing on
>>>>>>>>> Oracle's usual set of platforms. Mach5 tier[4-6] is running 
>>>>>>>>> now and
>>>>>>>>> Mach5 tier[78] will be run later today. My stress kit on 
>>>>>>>>> Solaris-X64
>>>>>>>>> is running now. Linux-X64 stress testing will start on Sunday. 
>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>> planning to do Kitchensink runs, SPECjbb2015 runs and my monitor
>>>>>>>>> inflation stress tests on Linux-X64, MacOSX and Solaris-X64.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>>>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>>> On 3/24/19 9:57 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>>>>>> Welcome to the OpenJDK review thread for my port of Carsten's 
>>>>>>>>>> work on:
>>>>>>>>>>     JDK-8153224 Monitor deflation prolong safepoints
>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153224
>>>>>>>>>> Here's a link to the OpenJDK wiki that describes my port:
>>>>>>>>>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Async+Monitor+Deflation 
>>>>>>>>>> Here's the webrev URL:
>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dcubed/8153224-webrev/3-for-jdk13/
>>>>>>>>>> Here's a link to Carsten's original webrev:
>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cvarming/monitor_deflate_conc/0/
>>>>>>>>>> Earlier versions of this patch have been through several 
>>>>>>>>>> rounds of
>>>>>>>>>> preliminary review. Many thanks to Carsten, Coleen, Robbin, and
>>>>>>>>>> Roman for their preliminary code review comments. A very special
>>>>>>>>>> thanks to Robbin and Roman for building and testing the patch in
>>>>>>>>>> their own environments (including specJBB2015).
>>>>>>>>>> This version of the patch has been thru Mach5 tier[1-8] 
>>>>>>>>>> testing on
>>>>>>>>>> Oracle's usual set of platforms. Earlier versions have been run
>>>>>>>>>> through my stress kit on my Linux-X64 and Solaris-X64 servers
>>>>>>>>>> (product, fastdebug, slowdebug).Earlier versions have run 
>>>>>>>>>> Kitchensink
>>>>>>>>>> for 12 hours on MacOSX, Linux-X64 and Solaris-X64 (product, 
>>>>>>>>>> fastdebug
>>>>>>>>>> and slowdebug). Earlier versions have run my monitor 
>>>>>>>>>> inflation stress
>>>>>>>>>> tests for 12 hours on MacOSX, Linux-X64 and Solaris-X64 
>>>>>>>>>> (product,
>>>>>>>>>> fastdebug and slowdebug).
>>>>>>>>>> All of the testing done on earlier versions will be redone on 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> latest version of the patch.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, in advance, for any questions, comments or suggestions.
>>>>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>>>> P.S.
>>>>>>>>>> One subtest in 
>>>>>>>>>> gc/g1/humongousObjects/TestHumongousClassLoader.java
>>>>>>>>>> is currently failing in -Xcomp mode on Win* only. I've been 
>>>>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>>>>> to characterize/analyze this failure for more than a week 
>>>>>>>>>> now. At
>>>>>>>>>> this point I'm convinced that Async Monitor Deflation is 
>>>>>>>>>> aggravating
>>>>>>>>>> an existing bug. However, I plan to have a better handle on that
>>>>>>>>>> failure before these bits are pushed to the jdk/jdk repo.

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