RFR 8231264: Disable biased-locking and deprecate all flags related to biased-locking

Erik Österlund erik.osterlund at oracle.com
Fri Nov 22 17:22:13 UTC 2019

Hi Martin,

Yeah, sorry it wasn’t communicated from the start. When this was discussed internally there were a whole bunch of factors considered. But loom interactions was really a primary concern in the discussions, and I was surprised to find it has yet to be mentioned in this thread!

Hope this makes a bit more sense now!


> On 22 Nov 2019, at 17:29, Doerr, Martin <martin.doerr at sap.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> the only feasible argument for considering biased locking removal I've read so far is the one from Erik.
> (Thanks, Erik!)
> This should have been on the table before proposing deprecation.
> If the plan is to deprecate it and later obsolete it in the release in which project loom enters main line,
> I guess we (SAP) could agree with it.
> It would be really helpful to communicate such plans before proposing deprecation.
> Best regards,
> Martin 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Daniel D. Daugherty <daniel.daugherty at oracle.com>
>> Sent: Freitag, 22. November 2019 16:06
>> To: Andrew Dinn <adinn at redhat.com>; David Holmes
>> <david.holmes at oracle.com>; Doerr, Martin <martin.doerr at sap.com>;
>> Patricio Chilano <patricio.chilano.mateo at oracle.com>; hotspot-runtime-
>> dev at openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: RFR 8231264: Disable biased-locking and deprecate all flags
>> related to biased-locking
>>> On 11/22/19 5:14 AM, Andrew Dinn wrote:
>>> On 21/11/2019 21:31, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> On 20/11/2019 2:51 am, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>>>>> I think deprecating before publishing an evaluation or at least having
>>>>> a discussion is not appropriate.
>>>> Deprecation shows the intent that we (eventually) want to remove this
>>>> and that people should try to avoid using it. If we don't actually
>>>> deprecate it but just turn off then here is a likely scenario:
>>> Who is this we?
>> The way you edited the original thread makes it look like the "we" comes
>> out of no where. Okay. Not sure why you did that, but here's the complete
>> context:
>> I posted this comment:
>>> On 11/18/19 6:06 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>> As for the whole "too soon to deprecate" discussion: Deprecation is not
>>> making the code obsolete so this changeset is not taking anything away
>>> other than changing the default of UseBiasedLocking from true to false.
>>> There are things that have been deprecated since JDK8 and they still
>>> have not yet been made obsolete.
>>> Deprecating biased locking is the proper way of saying that we (Oracle)
>>> and/or others think that biased locking should/will go away in a future
>>> release. Yes, there are locking experts outside of Oracle that have said
>>> that biased locking should go away, but I haven't gotten permission to
>>> quote the folks (yet)...
>>> Deprecation is not final. Features can be un-deprecated if some
>>> relevant facts and/or info changes the previous conclusion.
>> Martin posted this reply to my comment:
>>> On 11/19/19 11:51 AM, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>> As for the whole "too soon to deprecate" discussion: Deprecation is not
>>>>> making the code obsolete so this changeset is not taking anything away
>>>>> other than changing the default of UseBiasedLocking from true to false.
>>>>> There are things that have been deprecated since JDK8 and they still
>>>>> have not yet been made obsolete.
>>>> I think deprecating before publishing an evaluation or at least having a
>> discussion is not appropriate.
>>>>> Deprecating biased locking is the proper way of saying that we (Oracle)
>>>>> and/or others think that biased locking should/will go away in a future
>>>>> release. Yes, there are locking experts outside of Oracle that have said
>>>>> that biased locking should go away, but I haven't gotten permission to
>>>>> quote the folks (yet)...
>>>> There should be consent on the direction of possibly removing it before
>> communicating it the hard way.
>>>> However, switching it off for evaluation sounds feasible to me.
>>>> Seems like we have some homework, too.
>> And David posted a reply to Martin's comment:
>>> On 11/21/19 4:31 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> On 20/11/2019 2:51 am, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>>> As for the whole "too soon to deprecate" discussion: Deprecation is
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> making the code obsolete so this changeset is not taking anything away
>>>>>> other than changing the default of UseBiasedLocking from true to
>>>>>> false.
>>>>>> There are things that have been deprecated since JDK8 and they still
>>>>>> have not yet been made obsolete.
>>>>> I think deprecating before publishing an evaluation or at least
>>>>> having a discussion is not appropriate.
>>>> Deprecation shows the intent that we (eventually) want to remove this
>>>> and that people should try to avoid using it. If we don't actually
>>>> deprecate it but just turn off then here is a likely scenario:
>>>> - we turn of BL in 14
>>>> - customer updates to 14 sees a performance issue, checks the release
>>>> notes, sees BL is disabled and turns it back on.
>>>> - customer continues on their merry way and feels no need to report
>>>> back to OpenJDK that they need BL (even if we ask them to via release
>>>> notes)
>>>> - we get no feedback that BL is still useful and so we deprecate it
>>>> in, say, 16
>>>> - customer updates to 16 and gets the deprecation warning and then
>>>> reports back that they need BL
>>>> Alternatively we deprecate in 14 and customer lets us know straight
>>>> away that it is still useful.
>> So now David's use of "we" should be more clear. I do have to point out
>> that my use of "we (Oracle)" was present in both Martin's reply and in
>> David's reply to Martin, but for some reason you chose to edit it out.
>> This makes your pushing back on David's use of an unqualified "we"
>> questionable. Are you trying to be intentionally confrontational?
>>> The premise of your scenario has built in the conclusion
>>> that some of /us/ are questioning and thereby excluded our critique from
>>> any chance of qualifying the proposed action.
>> Hmmm... I don't see anyone excluding critiques here, but maybe I've missed
>> something...
>>> If the existence of such a consensus is not clear (and I suggest that
>>> this thread makes that plain) and the evidence for arriving at such a
>>> consensus is not compelling (ditto) and if the rest of the scenario will
>>> likely play out as you suggest then that is a strong reason to
>>> re-address the decision to switch the feature off, whether or not it is
>>> deprecated at the same time.
>> I suspect that "compelling" is in the eye of the beholder.
>> Simply changing the default from true to false is pretty much a silent
>> change in behavior even if we put out a release note. By deprecating at
>> the same time, we'll have a visible diagnostic message if biased locking
>> is enabled. That's much more likely to lead to feedback than a silent
>> change in behavior.
>>>> Alternatively we deprecate in 14 and customer lets us know straight away
>>>> that it is still useful.
>>> Alternatively, we come up with better evidence that it needs switching
>>> off (and, possibly, deprecating).
>> I wonder what would be considered acceptable "better evidence".
>> Dan
>>> regards,
>>> Andrew Dinn
>>> -----------
>>> Senior Principal Software Engineer
>>> Red Hat UK Ltd
>>> Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
>>> Directors: Michael Cunningham, Michael ("Mike") O'Neill

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