RFR: 8234185: Cleanup usage of canonicalize function between libjava, hotspot and libinstrument
Thorsten Schöning
tschoening at am-soft.de
Mon Nov 18 15:05:38 UTC 2019
Guten Tag Langer, Christoph,
am Montag, 18. November 2019 um 14:22 schrieben Sie:
> I saw your other mail already but didn't find time to reply.
Thanks, I wasn't sure if I'm received at all. Now that I know and
because of your negative answer, I'm going to leave this thread alone
and whoever is interested in discussing my problem might do so in the
original thread:
Am only going to answer your concrete questions...
> However, your case, the sporadic ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES, needs to be
> understood first. I rather think if this happens, there's a real
> condition for an IOException.
I don't see much difference to real problems like
ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE, in which case you don't even know if paths
exist already, of what type they are etc. Compared to that, my
ProcMon-logs looked pretty reasonable and "correct". The only
difference is the error code some rare times, without any changes in
the overall setup otherwise.
> It should definitely be analyzed and
> understood what the reason is for ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES. Are you aware
> of other reports of this issue?
No, I couldn't find anything of interest besides what I linked already
on SO. Additionally, while my software is used by multiple customers
with Windows environment, only one suffers from this problem and it
seems to occur only in the recent past after migrating to Windows
Server 2016, some new SAN etc. I'm somewhat sure that it didn't happen
before, this would have been noticed, like it was now.
> Was this already analyzed by some Windows experts, e.g. Microsoft
> support?
No and it's unlikely to happen, that customer is busy of course... I'm
going to see if I can push things in that direction anyway.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thorsten Schöning
Thorsten Schöning E-Mail: Thorsten.Schoening at AM-SoFT.de
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