[11u] RFR: Backport JDK-8209657: Refactor filemap.hpp to simplify integration with Serviceability Agent

Jiangli Zhou jianglizhou at google.com
Thu Oct 3 20:41:41 UTC 2019

Please review the backport of JDK-8209657: Refactor filemap.hpp to
simplify integration with Serviceability Agent.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/backport-8209657/webrev.00/

The backport applied 99% cleanly. The only manual part involved was to
apply the following diff in filemap.hpp:

 312   CDSFileMapRegion* space_at(int i) {
 313     assert(i >= 0 && i < NUM_CDS_REGIONS, "invalid region");
 314     return &_header->_space[i];
 315   }
 316 };

The backport was done with the intention to downporting additional CDS
bug fixes and improvements that are depending on this one.



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