RFR: 8231953: Wrong assumption in assertion in oop::register_oop

christoph.goettschkes at microdoc.com christoph.goettschkes at microdoc.com
Thu Oct 10 14:28:59 UTC 2019


please review the following changeset. This patch makes the 
CheckUnhandledOops feature work on 32-bit ARM platforms. On this platform, 
the os::current_frame() function does not return a valid frame in thumb 
mode [1]. I removed the failing assertion, since it does not hold on all 
supported platforms. I didn't want to introduce architecture specific code 
into that feature, just for an assertion.

This fixes the hotspot tier1 test 
"runtime/CheckUnhandledOops/TestOutOfMemory.java" mentioned in the issue.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8231953
Webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bulasevich/8231953/webrev.00/



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